Clyburn: Trump’s Another Hitler

Screenshot: Fox News

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Cavuto Live,” Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said that the country is seeing another Hitler with President-Elect Donald Trump.

While discussing the 2024 elections, Clyburn said that the country has swung back and forth between left and right over the years, and, at the moment, is swinging to the right, “I hope it’s not going as far right as that which happened in Germany in the 1930s, which, you may remember, I forewarned way back in 2018 that I saw this coming. I’ve studied history all of my life. … And I can tell you what I said back in 2018 on another network is now coming to pass. People chastised me for saying it at that time, but now they are seeing it –.”

Host Neil Cavuto then cut in to ask how that’s possible when Trump hasn’t become president yet and “Are you envisioning another Hitler? Is that what you’re saying?”

Clyburn responded, “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I said the 1930s in Germany. And, of course, — and we can go to Mussolini in Italy. These things –.”

Cavuto then cut in to ask if that’s hyperbolic.

Clyburn answered, “You may think so. I’ll tell you what’s hyperbolic, is asking the Senate to approve all your nominees without any vetting. That’s what’s hyperbolic.”

(h/t Steve Cortes)

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