CNN Actually Fact Checks Biden Over False Claims


Someone pinch me. Joe Biden made many false claims about the economy at an event hosted by the Democratic National Committee last week. CNN refuted them.

Joe Biden claimed gas prices have fallen by $1.30 per gallon with an average of $2.99 across 41 states and the District of Columbia. CNN refuted this claim.

CNN reported that Biden was lying about average gasoline prices. CNN reported that Biden’s claim about average gasoline prices was false.

CNN pointed out that Biden used the 3.99 number in comments before and suggested that Biden was misspeaking. CNN didn’t give Biden an exception for this.

“But, the price of gas is one of the most important figures in politics”. The President’s error was televised live on CNN and MSNBC.

Bravo CNN for acknowledging it.

They are also credited for pointing out deliberate deception of Biden.

Biden claimed the current unemployment rate of 3.7% was the lowest it had been in over 50 years. CNN was also hurt.

According to a White House official, Biden stated Friday that the current unemployment rate was “nearly” 50 years ago on at most five occasions. This not only erased recent increases from 3.5% and 3.7% but also erased performance prior to the pandemic under his Republican predecessor.

Wow! CNN credits Trump for his economic success. Who would have ever thought we would see this happen?


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