George Clooney Reveals What He Thinks of the ‘Machinations’ to Get Joe Biden to Step Aside

George Clooney Reveals What He Thinks of the 'Machinations' to Get Joe Biden to Step Aside

The party that’s fond of talking about “democracy” showed just how much they cared about the primary votes of more than 14 million people when they shoved Joe Biden to the side and swapped him out with Kamala Harris, after his horrible debate and plunging polls. That, despite the fact she didn’t get one primary vote for the position from the voters. 

It was pretty clear it was done to help the Democrats’ chances in the election because if it had been about fully acknowledging his cognitive decline, then they should have moved to remove him from the Oval Office. 

But instead, he’s been left there and he’s been on vacation most of the time since, raising questions about who is running the country. 


George Clooney, Who Just Held Fundraiser for Biden, Throws Him Under the Bus in Devastating Op-Ed

Biden Takes a Break From His Neverending Vacation to Remind Us of How Weird He Is

George Clooney, who wrote a pivotal op-ed about Biden being in bad condition and urging Biden to step aside from the election, is speaking out. What he has to say shows just how much they think they can put one over on the American voters.

According to him, we should all just forget about the “machinations” behind the move.

The person who should be applauded is the president, who did the most selfless thing that anybody’s done since George Washington and that’s the truth. So anybody, all the machinations that got us there, that’s all, none of that’s gonna be remembered, and it shouldn’t be. What should be remembered is the selfless act of someone who, you know, it’s very hard to let go of power. We know that. We’ve seen it all around the world. And for someone to say, ‘I think there’s a better way forward,’ all the credit goes to him, and that’s really the truth. And all the rest of it will be long gone and forgotten. So I’m just, I’m just very proud of where we are in the state of the world right now. Which, I think, many people are surprised by and I think we’re all very excited for the future. 

No, sorry, we won’t forget and neither will history. Clooney admitted Biden was in bad condition at the fundraiser, but then didn’t write the op-ed until after Biden flamed out at the debate and his condition couldn’t be argued away anymore. So that tells you right there everything you need to know about him and anything he has to say. 

Comparing him to George Washington takes some nerve. George Washington stepped aside voluntarily. He wasn’t threatened by Democratic Party bigwigs in an apparent coup to shove him out. This is just straight-up propaganda, to make it all sound and look better. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) tried the same move, saying Biden should be on Mount Rushmore. 

READ MORE: Pelosi’s Creepy, Slimy Response When Asked About Leading Plot to Shove Out Biden

Biden’s condition has also been apparent for a while, and folks like Kamala Harris said nothing. The Democratic Party’s bigwigs would have kept him in there if they thought he could win. 

And that’s the seriously disturbing part about all this. He’s still in office, even with what we all know about his condition. It was all just about increasing their chances in the election. Kamala and the bigwigs like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) don’t care about the danger this has put us all in. 

The ultimate irony in all this will be when former President Donald Trump wins and all the “machinations” and election manipulation will have been for naught. 


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