NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Gets Dragged Into ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag Nontroversy – but There’s a Problem

AP Photo/Chuck Burton

With all the media-driven manufactured outrage surrounding how Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann, has in the past chosen to fly the American flag (upside down, briefly) at their Virginia home and the Revolutionary War-era “Appeal to Heaven” flag at their New Jersey beach house, it was only a matter of time before another nemesis of the radical left got dragged into the debate.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, as RedState readers are well aware, is despised by the Democrat/media machine precisely because he refuses to be controlled and pigeon-holed by them. He’s been falsely branded a sexist, an antisemite, an insurrectionist, a conspiracy theorist – you name it, he’s been accused of it.

READ MORE: Media Smear Merchants Come for Mark Robinson, Get Derailed by the Facts – and Their Own Video

Robinson has had a meteoric rise in North Carolina politics, as we’ve discussed before, and is now the Old North State’s Republican 2024 gubernatorial nominee. He’ll take on Democrat nominee Josh Stein, the state’s current attorney general.

Polls at this stage in the race don’t show a clear advantage for either nominee. So it’s no surprise that the Raleigh News and Observer thought they’d help things along in that regard by informing folks that in April, Robinson, too. had flown the “Appeal to Heaven” flag:

Naturally, the Usual Suspects, including this MSNBC columnist, pounced and seized:

There was a big problem though, as one found out once they read the actual article:

The flag at the center of a U.S. Supreme Court controversy has also flown in front of the North Carolina lieutenant governor’s office, to commemorate the state’s involvement in the Revolutionary War.
“The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag was displayed for our Halifax Resolves Day celebration due to its historical significance in the Revolutionary War. This flag has a rich history connected to the United States’ struggle for independence from the tyrannical British monarchy. Today, it remains a symbol of resilience, justice, and the unyielding pursuit of liberty,” John Wesley Waugh, Robinson’s spokesperson, told The N&O in a statement.
“Therefore, we felt it was fitting to fly this flag as we celebrated North Carolina’s role as the frontrunner in declaring independence from Great Britain. Additionally, I believe it is also important to note that this flag is still active as the official Maritime Flag for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” Waugh said.

“Halifax Resolves Day commemorates April 12, 1776, the day the Fourth Provincial Congress recorded their intent to sever ties with Britain,” North Carolina’s historic sites website noted

“The resolves were the first official action by an entire colony to call for independence and were adopted unanimously by the 83 delegates assembled at Halifax,” it also noted.

The “Appeal to Heaven” flag was also flown for several decades at San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza in front of City Hall – until recently.

So, to sum up, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson flew the “Appeal to Heaven” flag for its original intended purpose. Not that it should matter in the scheme of things but apparently it does to our supposed intellectual betters on the left, who undoubtedly are heartbroken this morning to learn that they’ve lost yet another arrow in their quiver against Robinson.

Flashback: Mark Robinson Triggers Democrats During House Hearing on Election Laws


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