Rachel Vindman Melts Down After Not Receiving a Pardon, Trashes Biden for ‘Betrayal’

AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File

As RedState reported, Joe Biden ended his historically awful presidency by granting the most corrupt pardons in American history. After giving his son one covering any crimes spanning back to 2014, the now-former president upped the ante on his way out the door. 

In a shocking move, he granted pardons to Anthony Fauci, Mark Milley, and all the members of the controversial January 6th committee. That wasn’t the end of it, though. Just moments before Donald Trump took the oath of office, Biden’s handlers filed pardons for five of his family members, including his brothers, both of which have been credibly accused of crimes. 

Some Biden allies didn’t get pardons, though, and they aren’t too happy about it. 

You may remember Alexander Vindman as the pudgy member of the first Trump administration’s national security council who allegedly leaked classified information to a “whistle-blower.” Those allegations eventually led to Trump’s first impeachment. Well, his wife, Rachel Vindman, took to social media after Biden’s pardons to provide all of us with a healthy dose of schadenfreude. 

Decrying it as a “betrayal,” she slammed the former president for not offering her and her family pardons.

On an Inauguration Day full of huge wins for the right, this one is pure entertainment both because it’s hilarious to watch the Vindmans squirm and also because of what it symbolizes. 

First are foremost, it should be asked why Rachel Vindman believes she and her family need pardons. Did they break the law? Because if they didn’t, then what are they worried about? Of course, Alexander Vindmand likely did break the law and should be worried. Due to the last four years of partisan protection from the Biden administration, he has never faced an investigation into what information he gave the whistle-blower. That could happen now under Trump’s DOJ, and it seems as if his wife isn’t very excited about the prospect. 

Beyond that, though, the Vindmans not receiving pardons exposes the reality of who Biden is. In the end, only the privileged win while useful idiots like the Vindmans get left out in the cold. The former president’s family got fabulously rich off their corruption while getting legal protections for all their transgressions. Meanwhile, their pawns are being cast aside the moment they are no longer useful. There’s something very poetic about that. 

In the end, I doubt Trump wastes any time going after anyone beyond Alexander Vindman, who legitimately may have broken the law. Still, it’s extremely satisfying to see someone as awful as Rachel Vindmand (if you need a refresher, click here) feel the heat. The free ride is over, and these people should be made to sweat a little.



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