Steve Bannon: Trump Will Win Election in ‘Landslide,’ Calls for Justice, Not Retribution


Steve Bannon doesn’t shirk away from interviews by the political opposition; that much is certain. On Sunday—the day before Bannon was to report for a four-month prison term for contempt of Congress—Mr. Bannon appeared on ABC News opposite that network’s Jonathan Karl. The exchange was, shall we say, spirited.

First, Bannon essayed a prediction regarding this fall’s elections:


Given the current polling averages, Bannon may well have a point, although the House and Senate status post-election are much less certain. But the real meat of this interview came when Karl asked Bannon about a second Trump term, about retribution, and about accepting the outcome of elections. That discussion went beyond spirited and became downright contentious. Regarding former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Bannon said:

Trump has stated himself that he is seeking success, not revenge, and while Karl challenged some of Bannon’s more colorful metaphors – “heads on spikes,” among others – Bannon held fast to his claim that there would be no seeking revenge, only justice.

See Related:Trump’s Down but Not Out—’My Revenge Will Be Success’

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The knives came out, of course, during the discussion of accepting the results of this fall’s election, with the inevitable hand-wringing from Karl about January 6.

That’s an interesting statement indeed. While the J6 event can’t be characterized as “storming the Capitol to try to stop an election” – it was, at most, hooliganism, not insurrection, no member of Congress was threatened, and the certification of the election happened; Bannon’s statement that “all bets are off” will be taken by the left as saying that he would support violence if the election doesn’t go Trump’s way.

But he makes an excellent point in noting that the legacy media, of which Jonathan Karl is surely a member, doesn’t ask Democrats these sorts of questions, despite the facts that real insurrections always seem to be carried out by the left – I remind the readers of the CHAZ incident in Seattle, in which a gang of leftist protesters and rioters took over a portion of that city and expelled civil authorities in what may only be defined as an actually (albeit limited in scale) insurrection.

Possible Trump VP Congressman Byron Daniels was representative of those on the right who took to X to ask why there are seemingly different standards for Bannon and, say, Merrick Garland.

This interview is worth watching for the entire 12-plus minutes. Steve Bannon gives a graduate-level class on how not to take crap from a biased legacy media type. His choice of metaphors is in places unfortunate, as he gives the left more rhetorical clubs to beat the Trump campaign with when he uses metaphors like “heads on spikes,” but he did close the doors on a lot of unfounded assertions by Jonathan Karl.

Steve Bannon will be serving his four-month sentence starting Monday. It will be interesting to see what he does once that is over, as his proposed release date is only a matter of days before November’s election.


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