The Race Hustlers Are Terrified That Trump Will End Racism

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

The left is collectively wetting itself because Donald Trump is promising, to the horror of the regime media and the garbage ruling class, to fight anti-white racism, which is one of the several kinds of bigotries that the leftists love. They also like racism against Asians and Jews and against anybody else who’s conservative regardless of race, but the point of this isn’t to highlight Democrat hypocrisy. Democrats are not hypocrites because you have to believe in the principle that you are ignoring to be a hypocrite, and the Democrats don’t believe anything they say about racism. They are for it when that’s useful and against it when that’s useful. They only care about power, but you know that because you are based.

Like everything else that these communists do, their race card antics are unbelievably damaging to our culture. One of the greatest achievements of the United States of America was that most white citizens didn’t think of themselves as white, for lack of a better term. They didn’t identify themselves by their race. That’s not typical. You had a majority ethnic group that really didn’t care about its ethnicity. It didn’t identify itself by its ethnicity but rather by its national character, and it invited others who did not share its ethnicity to share that national character. This was a monumental achievement, a glorious one. As someone who tried to help sort out the ethnics skirmishes of the Balkans, I have firsthand knowledge of what happens when one group of people decides they’re going to kill another group of people because they simply don’t like that group of people. It’s awful, but it’s also the typical state of man throughout history. What America did was break that horrible cycle and redefine what it means to be a human being. If you are not proud of anything else America has done, you should at least be proud of that.

But if you are, you’re not going to be a Democrat.

No, the Democrats decided it would be a great idea to start attacking the majority ethnic group based on its ethnicity. They felt this would give them power by mobilizing minorities and the wealthier members of the majority ethnic group who weren’t going to take the brunt of the petty oppressions to be inflicted on the designated bad people. You can see when this happened – when the Democrats abandoned the working class a few decades ago.

And you now see it manifest throughout society, like with his DEI crap about whiteness and how being on time and being competent are proof that you’re a horrible racist monster of racism. It’s stupid, but it’s worse than stupid. If it was just insulting, people might ignore it. But the communists are not satisfied with just insults. They have to push on past the red lines. They started taking actions that limit people’s economic opportunities based on their race and their educational opportunities based on race, and they tolerate it, excuse, and even encourage crime when it is based on race. So, now it’s not just a matter of being insulted. It’s a matter of being impoverished or hurt or killed.

And somehow, it appears that these Democrats believe that human nature will not manifest itself and that white Americans will go along with this insanity in perpetuity. But that’s not human nature. You’re not going to talk somebody into being a second-class citizen. Oh, you can convince the pale femboy graduate students and the frigid white wine women who read the ridiculous spewings of clowns like Ibram Kendi into doing it, but that is only because these leftists never really believe it’s going to affect them. The racism that they support is not directed at the ruling class or its adjuncts. It’s directed at the guy who drives a truck, the guy who sells insurance, and the guy who fights the wars. Or at least the guy who used to fight the wars. The American military was made up largely of white rural and Southern folks who loved to fight and were very, very good at it, and now many of them refuse to do it because they understand the military hates them based on their race.

Their refusal to enlist is just one manifestation. The next manifestation will be voting for Donald Trump because he’ll enforce the rules equally. But if that doesn’t work, look out. One way or another, people will not stand for this much longer.

That’s the problem with hating people and treating them differently based on their race. It’s existential. You can’t get away from it. You can’t change your color. And it is magnified because you have the communists telling you that not only should you be oppressed, but you are morally inferior based upon your race. There’s no way you can get out of it. You can’t show you’re not a bad person because you’re a bad person based on your…race. 

They end up delegitimizing the concept of racism, something that is already in progress because the epithet “racist” is pretty much just a punchline today. In the current paradigm, the members of the majority have two choices. They can either submit to second-class status, or they can reject the whole damn thing. And some of the people who reject the whole damn thing are going to reject the concept that racism is bad because their opponents clearly don’t believe that. They will harken to people who tell them they will be protected because of their race, not – as Trump intends – because all men are created equal. That is a significant difference. We have race hustlers in many minority communities, and the last thing we need are race hustlers in the white community. Hell, the last thing we need is a “white community.” There should not be any racial communities. But that’s the inevitable end state of this moral idiocy. At the end of the day, in the absence of equality under the law and in society, you will bond with the people who will keep you from getting hurt.

The left has attempted to cover up its racism by redefining racism, which is invidious discrimination against someone based on his race, in such a way that it just doesn’t apply to white folks. They dress it up with discussions of power as if the strings of American society are being pulled by some corn farmer whose son can’t get into Harvard, despite straight A’s and lettering in all sorts of sports, because his great-great-grandfather came from Bavaria. It’s a super-convenient flex for the left, but it won’t work. If racism is wrong for one group, it’s wrong for all groups, and you’re not going to talk people into accepting anything else.

You’re just not going to convince people to accept second-class citizenship with the cherry on top of them being morally corrupted merely by the act of being white people. Again, it might just work for a little while if it’s only insults, but it’s now economic and academic opportunity, as well as physical safety. It will not go on because it cannot go on. And the backlash is underway.

I keep saying that Donald Trump is not the last chance for normal Americans but the last chance for our ruling class to hit the brakes and not drive off the cliff like a particularly unattractive and gender-indeterminate reboot of “Thelma and Louise.” The greatest thing that could happen to America right now is for Donald Trump to come in and have his Justice Department clamp down on all the racism currently manifested against whites and other unapproved ethnicities. The colleges should be beaten into the line. The corporations should be beaten into line. The military – oh yeah, that needs to be beaten into line. All this racist crap needs to end, starting with the racist definition of racism that the leftists keep pushing. And in the criminal justice system, when you see crimes that are clearly racist, you need to prosecute them no matter who commits them. No slack. People are not going to allow themselves to be stolen from, beaten, or murdered because of their skin tone. They’re going to find someone who will stop it. Donald Trump will stop it by using our Constitution and our laws as they are intended. But if that doesn’t work, people will find someone who will do it some other way. And don’t expect it to be gentle or pleasant. That’s not a moral observation. That’s not what I somehow prefer. That’s human nature. It’s ridiculous to expect that people will sacrifice their futures and their safety so a bunch of communists won’t call them names. That’s not going to happen.

The Democrats ruin everything, and they are on the verge of ruining the greatest achievement of the United States, which is to have a country where an individual identifies not by skin color or heritage but by his embrace of the principles of the Constitution. This is an amazing accomplishment, and of all the evil acts of these damn communists, undermining it may be their most vile.


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