Your Tax Dollars Fund a Group Pushing Transgender Identity on Two-Year-Olds


The most dangerous concept currently plaguing the nation is transgender ideology. Numerous people are brainwashed to believe they were born in the wrong place and choose to mutilate their bodies to look more like the gender they identify with. The trans movement’s most disturbing aspect is its targeting of children, convincing them to make life-altering choices that they don’t fully understand.

Sorry to say, but the nation’s top early childhood development agency is contributing to this. They’ve also received millions of dollars in taxes over the years.

Zero to Three is a group that believes children as young as two can have signs of having a “transgender” identity. The description of the session reads: “This presentation addresses the development and maintenance of gender identity. It will also discuss how professionals and parents can differentiate gender exploration from the emergence and preservation of a transgender identity.

Teachers are encouraged to use the Critical Race Theory tenets when working with newborns by the organization. The conference also featured a session called “Elevating Racial Equity within the First 1,000 Days: Protecting and Promoting the Health, Wealth and Learning of our Families and Babies.”

The Washington Free Beacon reports that Zero to Three has received $234.68 Million in funding from the Department of Health and Human Services between 2008 and 2012 and will receive $52 Million more by 2027. This includes a $4.2million grant from the Biden administration.

So, congratulations! This garbage is being funded by you.

Zero to Three claims that they are nonpartisan, but have spent large amounts of money supporting Democrat causes. You’re also funding this, congratulations!


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