Massachusetts Governor Signs Sweeping Gun Control Bill Into Law

As expected, Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey has put pen to paper and officially signed a massive gun control bill into law. With many of its provisions set to take effect next Thursday, it won't be long before lawful gun owners are impacted by the legislation. According to the Gun Owners Action League's analysis of...

Kamala Harris Failed to Connect One Person with High-Speed Internet with $42.5 Billion from Infrastructure Bill

Vice President Kamala Harris, who was tapped to lead the administration’s rural broadband expansion, failed to connect one person with high-speed internet despite having $42.5 billion from the so-called infrastructure bill. During his 2021 State of the Union address, President Joe Biden tapped Vice President Harris to lead the effort “because I know it will get...

Trump Campaign: ‘Inappropriate’ to Schedule Debates Until Harris Nomination Official, Democrats ‘Could Still Change Their Minds’

The Trump campaign said on Thursday it would be “inappropriate” to schedule presidential debates so long as the Democrats have any confusion about their prospective nominee. In a statement released on Thursday, Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director, said Democrats would need to settle on a nominee before a debate can be agreed upon.

Two Critical Things Voters Should Remember About Those Calling Kamala Harris a ‘Great Candidate’

It's happening. In something as predictable as the grass getting wet when it rains, the mainstream media, so-called "fact checkers," dark money groups, Hollywood, and Big Tech are all cranking their war machines back up to do the heavy lifting for Kamala Harris ahead of the DNC, where she is expected to formally accept the...

When It Comes to JD Vance, It’s Time for Republicans to Be Cool Like Little Fonzies

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten revealed on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, is the first vice presidential nominee to have a net negative favorability rating following his party's convention.  "I have gone all the way back since 1980.  He is the first guy after—immediately following a convention, a VP...

NYC Rolls Out Scanning System in Bid to Enforce ‘Gun-Free’ Subways

New York City straphangers may notice something new as they're making their way through subway stations this week. Mayor Eric Adams says the city will be conducting a month-long test of a weapons-scanning system called Evolv starting today or tomorrow that he claims will help police identify individuals illegally carrying guns and knives. Critics, however, say the...

Salman Rushdie Attacker Indicted on Terrorism Charges: Allegedly Acted on Behalf of Hezbollah

New York (AFP) – The man accused of trying to kill the author Salman Rushdie has been charged with terrorism for allegedly acting on behalf of Hezbollah, according to documents unsealed Wednesday. This is the first time the United States has so clearly singled out Lebanon’s powerful Iranian-backed movement over the attack on Rushdie.

Poll: Most Republicans Say Biden’s Exit Makes Trump ‘More Likely to Win’

A plurality of U.S. adults, as well as a majority of Republicans, say President Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race makes President Donald Trump “more likely” to win, a recent survey from YouGov found. The survey asked respondents, “What impact do you think Joe Biden’s decision to step aside as the Democratic nominee will have...

BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s Legal Team Just Got Scorched by Judge for Making False Statements in CA Tax Case

Ouch! That's the only thing I could think to say in response to reading the order handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Mark Scarsi on Wednesday requiring Hunter Biden's legal team to show cause why they should not be sanctioned for making false statements in their recently filed motion to dismiss. While Hunter was presumably focused...

Report: Leak Reveals More About Why Obama Hasn’t Endorsed Harris

Ever since Joe Biden was pressured out of the 2024 race by the Democratic elite and caved to the pressure, many of the Democrats have been jumping on the Kamala Harris bandwagon.  But not Barack Obama.  Now there's a new report that explains why Obama isn't endorsing Harris — because he...