Majority Have An Unfavorable View Of Critical Race Theory


According to a survey by The Economist/YouGov, most Americans don’t like Critical Race Theory (CRT).

This survey was taken among 1,500 adults in the United States between May 15-17, asking them whether they had a positive or negative opinion about CRT.

52 percent of respondents said that they had an “unfavorable opinion” about Marxist ideology. 45 percent of those surveyed have a “very negative” opinion. Another 45 percent hold a favorable view of radical ideology. However, only 27 percent of these have a “very favorable” opinion. This includes 81 per cent of Democrats. However, the overwhelming majority of Republicans and Independents (88 percent and 65%) view CRT negatively.

41% of respondents said that they don’t know if CRT has been taught in their local schools. A larger number, 44 percent, believe CRT should not taught in their schools. A little over 25%, or 26 percent, believe it should be taught. Another 30% are not sure.

CRT was in the forefront of attention last year during Virginia’s governor’s race. Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) won. He quickly signed an executive decree to get rid of CRT schools after he took office.
These standards don’t allow “pernicious ideologies such as Critical Race Theory” to be taught in K-12 schools, the governor stated. He also promised that tax dollars would not be used for teaching children to hate America.

DeSantis said that every student counts and made it clear that the state does not care about categorizing people based on their race.


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