Dems Full Of Outright Worry Over Biden’s Leadership, Says He’s Out Of Time To Fix Things


Politico recently published a report that stated that many Dems are concerned that President Joe Biden’s White House team may run out of time to reverse “flagging poll numbers” ahead of the midterm election.
Jonathan Lemire, Christopher Cadelago, and Christopher Cadelago reported on Friday that Democrats feel “frustration” about Biden’s handling of crises, and his messaging. This has turned into “outright worry.” ”

The piece began with an inside look at recent virtual meetings between Democratic governors, White House officials, and other members. It also depicted tension between the governors and the administrations. It said, “Don’t tell me what you’ve done.” This was how a participant at the meetings described the feelings among governors. Because you have done nothing that is working. ”

According to the outlet, other sources who were familiar with the content of these meetings claimed that there was a “general and growing dissatisfaction with the White House’s response.” Politico reported that three representatives from the parties knew the contents of these meetings and had expressed their frustration to Politico. This has turned into concern.

According to the report, Democratic governors across the country are worried about Biden’s performance. They feel that Biden’s team is “not only lacking in new ideas, but also more and more out of time to reverse their declining poll numbers prior to the midterms.” ”

According to the outlet David Turner, communications director at Democratic Governors Association, said that the calls were “nothing except calm.” These calls are productive and useful for governors and their team, and also provide a forum for information exchange about policies.

Cadelago & Lemire disputed this claim, pointing out that a similar meeting between congressional legislators & officials from the Biden government occurred recently and was “tension-filled.” ”

Reporters said that lawmakers were expecting to receive guidance on concrete matters, such as how to counter Republicans giving away baby formula and gas cards free of charge to irate voters. Instead they were given familiar talking points about White House legislative achievements and the resonances from the 2020 message Biden sent.

The article stated that White House aides didn’t seem to be in enough hurry at their vantage point before adding, “But the calendar’s increasingly not the president’s friend.” ”

The article stated that Democrats recognize that not all of the White House challenges are within the President’s control. “They want more action, even if no action is taken.

They also stated that Biden hadn’t done enough to repeal Roe V. Wade. The Democrats stated that they are still waiting for Biden to disclose steps to protect abortion rights, months after Roe was overturned. It was also said that even modest victories are under scrutiny. Gun control activists feel that they must do more.

Politico reported that again, the White House stated that it saw “encouraging signs on the political horizon” and that President Obama is leading the country on the basis of “values that unify an overwhelming majority.” – Andrew Bates (White House spokesperson).

The report reiterated the Democrats’ negative view of Biden. It stated some Democrats worried that Biden has not moved beyond an earlier age in political decorum and unquestioning loyalty towards institutions.

It stated that Biden’s theories about the case were not just losing faith, and even if it was possible before the fall.


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