Hunter Biden Secured Dinner For Client At Chinese Embassy Following Luncheon Hosted By VP Biden


Fox News Digital reviewed emails to find out that Hunter Biden helped a Rosemont Seneca Partners client and Democratic donor secure an event at China Embassy Washington, D.C. After networking with one of the top officials at China Embassy during a Jan 2011 luncheon hosted by Vice President Biden.

These emails show that Eric Schwerin and Hunter were his business partners. Marvin Lang, managing director of Guardian Realty Maryland, was helped by them to plan a dinner for Deng Hongbo (China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs) on April 28, 2011.

Ted Kaufman was a friend and longtime confidant of President Biden. Kaufman was also part his inner circle that dates back to 1970s. Schwerin and Lang claim that Kaufman received $10,000 for his services following the dinner.

Lang, who had donated thousands of dollars to Democrats in December 2010, emailed Hunter and asked for the event. Lang, who donated thousands to Democrats, emailed Hunter in December 2010. He thanked Hunter and stated that he was happy to have him join him for lunch. ”

Lang, Hunter, and Schwerin had a back and forth conversation about possible venues. Hunter sent Schwerin an e-mail on January 12, 2011 stating that “Marvin wants to know where we stand regarding finding space for dinner – the Chinese Embassy is his #1 choice.” ”

Schwerin sent Lang a message cc’ing Hunter a week later. He said that Hunter had been to a lunch that included the Chinese Embassy’s “number 3 official”, and that he could assist in securing the venue for the Guardian Realty dinner.

According to Fox News Digital’s review of news articles and emails on the subject, Schwerin refers the lunch that Hillary Clinton hosted for Hu Jintao (China’s president at the time) in the Benjamin Franklin Room at the State Department on January 19, 2011.

Schwerin sent Hunter an email late at night last night stating that Hunter was at the table with Ron Klain, who was Vice President Biden’s chief staff officer from January 2011 to January 2011. Klain is currently Biden’s chief staff officer.

Zhou Jingxing served as the counselor and was also the deputy director at the Chinese Embassy. Hunter Biden received an email from him on Jan. 28, 2011, in which he asked about his correspondence with “Minister Yang”. This refers to Yang Jiechi, who was foreign secretary between 2007 and 2013. Jiechi is a member of the Chinese Communist Party since 1971. He was promoted to the Politburo last year. He is now one of China’s most powerful and influential officials.

Jingxing said that they would contact Embassy logistics to confirm that the dining room is available for your dates.

Lang was concerned that the Chinese Embassy hadn’t yet confirmed a date for February. Schwerin would need to write Lang: “We really require the approval of dinner in written.” ”

Schwerin emailed Hunter on February 28, 2011, stating that Guardian Realty was becoming “nervous” about the Chinese backing off and asking for confirmation letters. Schwerin also wanted to know if people at the Turkish Embassy were kind in the event that the dinner was moved.

Schwerin was warned that Lang’s insistence on obtaining confirmation letters could offend the Chinese.

Lang was informed by Schwerin in March 2011 that Hunter confirmed the dinner had been held at the Embassy. She also said that it would be “good going ahead.” ”

Schwerin stated that Hunter had reached out Counselor Zhou (Minister Yang), and thanked them for the organization of the dinner. Schwerin expressed his appreciation as well and said that he was looking forward to seeing them at dinner. ”

After discussing potential guest speakers, Schwerin mentioned Ted Kaufman (ex-Democratic Sen.).

Schwerin pitched Kaufman for the April event via email to Lang and Guardian Realty on March 10, 2011.

Schwerin wrote the email to Hunter in which he stated, “As some may have known Senator Kaufman (D–DE) was appointed Senator in 2008 in order to fill VP Biden’s seat and served then as Senator Biden’s Chief of Staff for nineteen years.” “He is clearly somebody we know well. If we didn’t believe he would be of interest to investors, we wouldn’t recommend him. ”

Schwerin organized a meeting between Lang and Kaufman in April at a Starbucks near Washington, D.C. Schwerin was notified by Lang via email that he had confirmed that he had met Kaufman. Schwerin also received an email from Lang confirming that he had met Kaufman. “He is incredible. Please send him some appreciation at the Chinese dinner.

Lang sent Hunter an April 26th email informing him that Deng had requested Hunter to meet at China Embassy for a half hour before the dinner. Lang also informed Hunter that Minister Deng was cancelling Hunter’s meeting at 5:40pm. Lang thanked Hunter for his “flexibility “.

Schwerin sent Hunter an email Lang had sent one day after the dinner. He praised Kaufman for being “terrific”, and “very interested”.

Lang thanked Hunter, for his assistance and guidance in organizing the May 1st dinner. This happened three days later.

Lang stated that Senator Kaufman is smart, friendly and very knowledgeable about politics. Thank you for suggesting Senator to us.

Lang, Kaufman were not involved with any criminal or professional misconduct.

Schwerin sent Hunter an e-mail two days later with the subject “Marvin’s happy” and a screenshot of a Guardian Realty event from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Owens had reached out to Hunter Biden in 2014 in order to secure his China telemedicine licence. Emails show that Owens indicated that he needed the license urgently.

Lang and Schwerin were Hunter Biden’s attorneys. The White House didn’t respond to our requests for comment.

The post Hunter Biden Secured Dinner For Client At Chinese Embassy Following Luncheon Hosted By VP Biden appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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