Feds Weigh Charges Against Hunter Biden, Outcome Of Yearslong Case Could Be Imminent


Federal investigators are considering whether to indict Hunter Biden for tax and foreign lobbying violations and false statements. A former official told Fox News that a decision could be made soon.

Fox News reported that in July, the federal investigation into President Biden’s son had reached a critical stage. Since 2018, Hunter Biden is under federal investigation.

The investigation is being led by David Weiss, Delaware U.S. attorney and former President Donald Trump’s prosecutor.

Fox News reported that in July, the federal grand jury investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings had completed its current term and was now over. According to a source, no charges were filed.

Fox News was told by a former Justice Department official that the government doesn’t need an active grand jury to file charges in a plea agreement.

Fox News was also informed by that official that renewed attention to the investigation, particularly by the media, suggested that a disposition or resolution may be imminent in advance of possible Republican takeover of House of Representatives.

If they are elected majority members of Congress to investigate Hunter Biden, the Republicans in Congress have pledged to use subpoena powers.

Weiss spokesperson declined to comment on whether a grand jury has been appointed.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco were briefed about the investigation.

Fox News reported that in July, Weiss and Justice Department officials looked into Hunter Biden’s tax violations and more serious foreign lobbying offenses.

According to a source, Hunter Biden could be facing false statements charges.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that a false statement charge could relate to whether he lied about a gun purchase in 2018.

Fox News reported that in 2018, police responded to an incident where a gun belonging to Hunter Biden was left in a trashcan outside a Delaware market.

Fox News was informed by a source familiar with the Oct. 23, 2018 police report that it stated that Hunter’s gun had been thrown in a dumpster near a school by Hallie Biden.

Fox News reviewed a firearm transaction report and found that Hunter Biden had purchased a gun in the previous month.

Hunter Biden denied that he had ever used or been addicted to marijuana, any depressant, stimulant or narcotic drug or any other controlled substance.

After testing positive for cocaine, Hunter Biden was expelled from the Navy in 2014.

Chris Clark, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, stated to Fox News that it was a federal felony for a federal agents to leak information about grand jury investigations such as this one.

Fox News was informed by a source that Hunter Biden is still being investigated and that no decision has been made.

A spokesperson from the U.S. Attorney’s Office Delaware declined to comment on possible charges.

According to a government source, Fox News reported Hunter Biden as a target/subject of the grand jury investigation in December 2020. A “target” refers to someone with a high probability of committing a crime, while a subject is someone you don’t know for certain has.

Partly, the federal investigation into Hunter Biden was based on suspicious activity reports (SARs), which were based on suspicious foreign transactions.

Fox News reported in December 2020 from another source that SARs had been conducted to investigate funds coming from China and other foreign countries.

Unnamed Treasury Department officials spoke out about SARs. They told Fox News that SARs can be filed by financial institutions “if something is unusual about a transaction.”

Fox News was informed by an official that filing a SAR does NOT mean that there has been any criminal act or violation, but that it simply flags that a customer’s transaction is unusual. However, the official pointed out that a SAR could also be used to investigate money laundering or tax investigations.

Hunter Biden released a statement a few weeks after the 2020 election acknowledging that he was the subject of an investigation by the federal government into his “tax affairs.”

Biden repeatedly denied that he had discussed Hunter’s business ventures.


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