Crazed Leftist Agitators Try (and Fail) to Stop Houston Screening of Matt Walsh’s ‘What Is a Woman?’


Despite Eventbrite taking down their event listing earlier in the week, the Young Conservatives of Texas (University of Houston) remained determined to host Matt Walsh and screen his documentary “What Is a Woman?” documentary. The film explores the perniciousness and incoherence of leftist gender ideology. The conservative student group won, but they had to contend with the mob that invaded the venue in an attempt to stop Eventbrite from doing what it could.

Antifa and other radical leftist organizations distributed flyers encouraging others to organize “in protest against Matt Walsh, virulent transphobe on Campus.”

In keeping with other accusations, groups such as the Space City Anarchist Organization called Walsh a father of four and a “bigot,” and suggested that his film was “transphobic.”

On Thursday, transsexuality activists, leftists and students gathered at the venue to repeat accusations of “transphobia”. They chanted “Transphobia must go” and “Trans rights are human rights” prominently, as well as accusations of fascism at anyone trying to enter peacefully.

Rolling Stone magazine also claimed that “What Is a Woman” in June. It is “transphobic,” calling this an “attempt to belittle an already targeted population of people.”

According to the distributor of Walsh’s film, The Daily Wire, the main concerns in Walsh’s documentary include:

Men claiming to be women are destroying women’s sports

Sexual offenders exploiting transsexuality claim to prey on women;

The left uses censorship as a means to advance its radical agenda without any criticism or analysis

The denigration and abuse of women by neologisms such as “birthing persons”

The left attacks science with claims like “having one penis doesn’t make one male”;

Bad actors may mutilate and sterilize children.

Walsh stated that the left would do everything to ensure no one sees this film. … They are aware that their ideology is based upon lies and their logic is hollow. Premiering the movie online to an enormous audience will not only embarrass them but also send a message to all of their followers that they won’t win this battle.

Walsh’s larger “battle” was the backdrop to Thursday night’s screening. However, it may have been a skirmish in this context but both sides were out in force.

The block was crowded with people waiting to see the documentary.

As attendees waited in line for their turn, the Houston Police Department made sure to take necessary precautions. They were anticipating leftist violence similar to those seen at previous campus events.

The police removed all bricks from the area.

Police arrested one masked agitator inside the venue.

KRIV was informed by Mikel Moore (Chapter Chairman of the Young Conservatives of Texas), that his group believed it important to “continue to bring conservative content and conservative messaging to the University of Houston.”

Moore stated that this is an opportunity for students as well as members of the public to see the film and gain an understanding of it. We believe that this event will also spark conversations about gender and how we view the issue. It can even lead to good dialogue.

Outside the venue, masked agitators tried to stop the debate. They even attempted to block attendees from entering.

Despite all the mob efforts, the venue was still packed by the time the event began. About 400 people attended the event.

Outside, protestors and counter-protesters engaged in verbal sparring.

Some counter-protesters prayed amid chants condemning the event and advocating transsexuality. A few leftists were seen protecting themselves with umbrellas.

Houston police made sure that everyone was able to leave the venue safely after the event.

The trailer is below:


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