Bret Baier Stunned by Astonishing Comment From Leon Panetta About Disinformation and Hunter Biden Laptop


Fox had former CIA Director under Barack Obama, Leon Panetta on “Special Report” to talk about the Israel-Hamas war. 

But while Bret Baier had him on, he asked him about the Hunter Biden laptop and about that disgraceful letter that 51 former intel officials — including Panetta — signed that suggested the laptop was Russian disinformation. 

Baier asked Panetta if he had any regrets, given what he knew now about the laptop. 

But Panetta gave an incredible answer, saying he had been very concerned about Russian interference and disinformation, doubling down on the claim of it potentially being Russian disinformation, saying his concern was to alert the public. Then he even said he hadn’t seen anything from any intelligence agency that indicated that the laptop wasn’t disinformation. 

“You don’t think it was real?” Baier asked him, incredulous. 

“I think disinformation is involved here,” Panetta claimed. “I think Russian disinformation is part of what we’re seeing everywhere. I don’t trust the Russians. That’s exactly why I was concerned that the public not trust the Russians either.” 

That’s one heck of a spin job there; there’s no evidence at all that the Russians were involved in the laptop. And even in that infamous letter, the signers admitted they had no evidence to support this contention. Meanwhile, media outlets have confirmed the laptop was real. Hunter Biden is now trying to go after people for revealing the information on the laptop, which is why Baier said that Hunter had admitted (essentially) that it was his laptop. 

So, no evidence that it was disinformation, and he still thinks it’s disinformation, despite all the evidence that it isn’t, despite that being completely debunked. He has no regrets about not trusting the “Russians”? That’s delusional. Either that, or he just can’t let go of the game to try to convince us. 

Is it any wonder that we think these Democrat shills aren’t serious people and certainly, not people who should be in any kind of power or influence over anything? Bret Baier should not have him on again, because what worth is what he has to say — when he says things like this? I’m not even sure why you would have him on to begin with, since everyone who signed that letter has lost any credibility, if they ever had any. 

Then Panetta laughed after Baier said that Hunter Biden said it was his laptop, like Panetta thought it was all a great, big joke. Yeah, big joke that they deceived the public. That’s a pretty vile reaction right there. So, we know the answer to “delusional” versus trying to spin us if we had any questions. 

Just incredible. 


  1. We don’t trust people like Panetta, he’s lying through his teeth like all democrats. He wouldn’t know proof if it bit him in the ass. Talk about misinformation its the likes of people like Panetta who has been feeding this country misinformation, disinformation and keeping the truth hidden to cover for the inept administration we are now under.


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