More and More Democrats Are Calling for Biden to Drop Out

    Townhall Media

    The Chinese water torture is a particularly nasty thing, relying not on the infliction of pain or trauma but simply securing the victim in a fixed position, after which cold water is steadily dripped on the subject’s head or face. It’s not physically painful, but instead a mental torture, in which the steady drip, drip, drip, slowly works away at the victim’s sanity.

    Something like that is happening to President Joe Biden right now, with a steady drip, drip, drip of prominent Democrats dropping their ice-cold doubts about old Joe’s viability onto the president’s forehead.

    Senator Brown, in a statement released on Friday, said:

    Drip… Drip… Drip…

    SEE MORE: 

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    It seems like the more Democrats look for the exits, the more Joe Biden digs in his heels, but sooner or later someone is going to have to have a heart-to-heart with the old man. The last time things got this bad for a sitting president – and the Biden administration won’t care for this comparison, but it’s apt – was in 1974, when a group of prominent Republicans, including Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) U.S. House Minority Leader John Rhodes (R-AZ) and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott (R-PA) went to President Richard Nixon and told him he had lost the support of his party and, for the good of the Republican Party and the nation, he needed to resign. Nixon resigned the next day.

    That is what is going to have to happen with Joe Biden. Who is the likely person to carry out this task? Kamala Harris.

    For better or worse (and it’s been mostly worse) she is the Vice President of the United States. While one may wonder as to how much stock old Joe really places in her opinion, she is technically the #2 figure in the Democratic Party today. It’s her task to take the old man aside and tell him, “You know, Joe, you’ve already lost. For the good of the party and the republic, you need to resign.”

    It is a resignation, also, that should happen, not just a withdrawal from the re-election campaign. Joe Biden is clearly not capable and has not been for some time. Every day he remains in place is a day where the United States has, effectively, no leadership, no Commander-in-Chief, no chief executive. That’s an intolerable situation.

    Until that happens, watch for the defections to continue, especially after this week’s roaringly successful Republican convention.

    Drip… Drip… Drip…


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