WATCH: AOC Gets Leveled for Bizarre, Cringeworthy Southern Accent at DNC

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

There were a lot of cringeworthy and bad moments on the first night of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago. 

Perhaps chief among them was Joe Biden’s speech out of prime time, which was just a litany of lies. Then there was the DNC excuse for why Biden went on so late.. But there were some other challengers for trying to capture the cringe crown, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). 

READ MORE: DNC Gives a Hilarious Excuse for Running Late and Delaying Biden’s Speech, but No One Is Buying It 

Biden DNC Speech Is a Historic Trainwreck – With a Slurring, Stumbling, Screaming Speech Full of Lies

It Was Like Holding Huge Party With Moving Toasts and Magnificent Oratory—for the Spouse You’re Divorcing

AOC’s speech was chockful of nonsense. She seemed to be auditioning for attention and her likely future run for president. 

She claimed former President Donald Trump would sell out America for one dollar. That was nonsensical while ignoring the new Congressional impeachment report, which found Biden and his family received more than $27 million from foreign individuals and entities. 

READ MORE: NEW: House Judiciary Report Shows Joe Biden Committed Multiple Impeachable Offenses

Her point about seniors having to unretire and go back to work (under Biden-Harris), that that’s why you should vote for Harris, didn’t make a lot of sense: 

But then she hit maximum cringe, as she tried to attack Trump while praising Harris: 

“I, for one, am tired of hearing about how a two-bit union buster thinks of himself as more of a patriot than the woman who fights every single day to lift working people from under the boots of greed, trampling on our way of life,”  AOC ranted. 

Kamala Harris hasn’t done anything to help “working people.” Trump cut taxes, so that they could keep more of their own well-earned money. He isn’t a union buster; he’s helped protect American jobs. Harris-Biden sparked inflation and higher interest rates, making everyone pay more. She’s also failed in her one big assignment — securing the border — which adversely impacts working people as well. And wasn’t it AOC who cost New Yorkers Amazon jobs when she fought against one of their facilities relocating there? 

But on top of that, what was that crazy accent? Talk about cringe. She’s from Westchester, New York, not the South. Many thought she was trying to put on a fake, Southern preacher accent. 

I never thought I’d say it, but Jesse Jackson’s face says it for all of us: what the heck was that coming out of her mouth? 

It sounded like Hillary Clinton’s “no ways tired” disaster. What is this, with Democrats putting on a false image? As with Clinton, when you put on a false image, it just sounds wrong. AOC is trying to help forge that image for a future presidential run, as bizarre and silly as that thought is: 

But once again, it shows how much of what Democrats do is just straight-up fake. 

Unfortunately for them, most of the night suffered from boredom. 

When a fake accent is what has them cheering, you know that they might have a problem.


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