Is Bitter Old Joe Biden Engaged in Political Sabotage?

    AP Photo/Matt Rourke

    There can be no doubt, especially after his disastrous debate performance, that Joe Biden was headed for a catastrophic loss in November had he remained in the race. He’s clearly not capable; his decline has been apparent for years, and it’s accelerating. His withdrawal from the campaign was probably inevitable. 

    But what happened after that was not. Granted, Kamala Harris, the Queen of Word Salads, was his understudy (and life insurance), but the Democratic Party’s anointing her as the Chosen One was poorly done; they would have done better to declare an open convention and at least maintained the pretense of letting the voters have a say. But that’s not what happened. Joe Biden was rudely forced out, Kamala was anointed, and that’s that.

    Now, a growing chorus of Democratic insiders are noting that befuddled old Joe and whoever is pulling his strings (Frau Doktor Professor Jill Biden) is inclined to be peevish about the whole thing, and they may well be deliberately throwing a series of spike strips in the road in front of the Harris/Walz campaign bus.

    Honestly, being a no-show at Kamala Harris’s campaign events is the one thing old Joe Biden has done that is helping the Harris/Walz ticket. Nothing they are doing seems to be moving the numbers in their direction. But the Bidens do seem to be trodding on Harris’ toes, and it’s really looking deliberate.

    Well, the Trump cap, that was more a troll by a Trump voter at that event – it’s pretty certain that Joe had little or no idea what was going on, which frankly was part of the reason he was pushed so rudely aside. But if Joe Biden and the person who is playing Edith Wilson to Joe’s post-stroke Woodrow have done some things to sabotage the Harris/Walz campaign, it’s small potatoes against what they have done to sabotage themselves.

    See Related: Kamala Harris Sends Out Tim Walz to Talk Man-Stuff to Men About Being Manly

    The Thrill Is Gone: Barack Obama’s Scolding of Black Men Torched by Prominent African Americans

    I mean, really, sending Tim “Great Walz of China” out to talk man-stuff? Tim Walz has accomplished one great feat in this election cycle: he made John Kerry look more manly by comparison. (Note: By comparison.) Kerry, after all, actually did deploy to a combat zone, unlike Walz, even if Kerry’s behavior afterward was reprehensible. And not even Barack Obama, it seems, can stop young black men from looking back at the pre-COVID Trump years and thinking, “You know, things were pretty good,” and voting for their economic interests instead of their skin color.

    Going forward, Democrats and Republicans alike can look at the Harris/Walz campaign and, indeed, Democrat actions throughout this election cycle as a lesson on what not to do.


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