Opinion: Donald Trump Is Working to Make Reagan Applaud From Heaven About What Is Happening Right Now


Maybe you are wondering why I have a picture of the 40th President of the United States with the former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill as the picture above; there is a very good reason. 

As the title indicates, Donald Trump is on the precipice of achieving things that Ronald Reagan could only dream of politically in his time at the White House. That’s mostly because he never had the luxury of having a Republican Speaker of the House like Donald Trump does right now, and control of the United States Senate at the same time.

This is notable for the long-term health of the country, and important to take a moment to recognize.

Every Wednesday night at about 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, I co-host a show called RedState VIP Gold Show, where we talk about issues of the day or stories that have been covered and written about over the week at RedState. Each week, Scott Hounsell, Taylor Bradford, and I discuss the top issues–and make pop culture references to confuse and confound each other and the audience.

As you can imagine, the show since January 20th has been at times dominated by the Trump administration, and for good reason. Trump, after his first term and the four-year break in between, decided that once he won in November of 2024, they were going to hit the ground running to get as much done in the four years that he has.

One of the things that we have discussed on the show and people have written here at RedState and across New Media is that the Trump team is moving incredibly fast on several different fronts; I feel that is important because of the current state of the Democratic Party.

Reagan destroyed the Democratic Party after the 1984 election, where he won 49 of the 50 states and over 500 electoral votes. But once again, he never had control of Congress and was not able to make some of the changes that Trump 47 and his team are looking to do now. 

I came across a funny article about how rudderless the Democrats and the DNC are, right HERE

Former President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, recently met with Democratic National Committee Chairman Ken Martin to pitch themselves for a revamped campaigning effort as support for the party has cratered, reports NBC News.  

Democrats in Congress have become much less popular in the past few months, according to several polls. A CNN poll conducted by SSRS this week showed that just 29% of Americans say they view the party favorably, which is a record low for the poll since it began surveying voters in 1992.

Also, my colleague here at RedState, Nick Arama, posted this yesterday about Biden Inc.(Now This Is Funny: ‘The Bidens Want Back In’).

Now, there’s a story out from NBC that’s truly funny: The headline is “The Bidens Want Back In.”
Back in what? Turns out, they think they can save the floundering Democratic Party. 
Former President Joe Biden has told some Democratic leaders he’ll raise funds, campaign and do anything else necessary for Democrats to recover lost ground as the Trump administration rolls back programs the party helped design, according to people close to him.
Biden privately met last month with the new Democratic National Committee chairman, Ken Martin, and offered to help as the party struggles to regain its viability amid polling that shows its popularity has been sinking, the people said.

Jill says she also wants to help out as well. 

Um, guys? 

“Um, guys” is right.

Joe and Jill Biden crawling to the DNC to offer to help them raise money, after how they ran the country into the ground (by auto-pen) the past four years, is one of the more ironic things I can say that I’ve ever witnessed in politics.

My colleague Teri Christoph penned this piece the other day, going into what EXACTLY is going to happen (Trump Just Neutered the Department of Education, but That Doesn’t Mean It’s Going Away).

From her post…

President Trump took a big first step in making conservatives’ dreams come true Thursday by signing an executive order (EO) effectively dismantling the Department of Education, and returning federal budgets and decision-making back to where they always should have been: with state and local officials. 
There are a multitude of reasons why Trump’s actions fill us with joy, but we’re happiest for our kids, who have fallen further and further behind despite gobs of taxpayer money being spent on them. We’re also pretty darn thrilled that Trump stuck it to the teachers’ unions, who have really enjoyed their decades-long stranglehold on the department that was essentially a gift to them from Jimmy Carter. It was a disaster from the get-go, as are most things run by Democrats, and this comeuppance was a long time coming.

Teri is a bit too young to recall the 40th President of the United States, who changed the landscape of American politics at the time, but could only dream of what Trump is doing here. He spoke of getting rid of the Department of Education, back in the 1980 election and before.  Reagan, in that linked video, says exactly what he would like to do to the Department of (mis) Education; but once again, he never had the votes in the House and was never able to attempt it.

Along with Elon Musk and DOGE in the Trump team taking on the task of trying to make government work more effectively (Trump’s Efficiency Drive: Making Government Work Like a Business), amazing things could occur in the next two years before the midterms in over 590 days.

Donald Trump not only has the political willpower and bully pulpit to power these things through, but also the House and the Senate to help achieve one of Ronald Reagan’s core campaign promises, and fulfill it almost 40 years after the Gipper entered office. 

I imagine Reagan is looking down from heaven and recalling the words of a plaque he had in the Oval Office; he is now taking a look at what the 47th president is doing and nodding in approval. 

The saying on the plaque simply read:

“There Is No Limit To What A Man Can Do Or Where He Can Go If He Doesn’t Mind Who Gets The Credit”

Win one for the Gipper, Mr President, and for America.


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