Abortion Doctor at Heart of #Shes10 Viral Horror Story Was Accused of Failing to Report Underaged Abortions


Dr. Caitlin Bern loves the spotlight. When abortion laws are trying to restrict her large abortion business, Dr. Caitlin Bernard is interviewed on TV and in print. Bernard made claims recently about a 10-year-old rape victim, who she said crossed state lines from Ohio and Indiana to get an abortion. The attention Bernard is getting may not be what she wants.

The Washington Post eventually caught up to the story and found exactly the same thing after fact-checking it. Bernard is now under fire for making up the story or failing to report a child rape incident to authorities. She is a mandated reporter. Bernard could lose her medical license if she fails to report the rape.

Bernard has been in the same situation before, but it was discovered that Bernard had done some digging. Indiana Right to Life reviewed 2018 termination of pregnancy reports, which are public records. It found that nine abortion physicians failed to report underaged abortions to health officials as required by law. Bernard was one of them.

Forty-eight consumer complaints were filed against nine Indiana abortion physicians who allegedly failed to comply with the legal reporting requirements in order to protect young children from sexual violence. The doctors are Jeffrey Glazer, Caitlin Bernard, Cassandra Cashman, Carol Dellinger, Mandy Gittler, Kathleen Glover, Martin Haskell, Resad Pasic, and Sarah Turner. They have been employed at all licensed Indiana abortion facilities: Women’s Med Center in Indianapolis, Clinic for Women in Indianapolis, and Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis, Lafayette, Bloomington, and Merrillville.

Some girls as young as 12 years old had abortions that were not reported to DCS. Since July 1, 2017, 48 instances of failure have been reported. The 48 consumer complaints were filed with Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill as well as the Indiana State Department of Health. A notification has also been sent to the Monroe, Lake, Tippecanoe, and Tippecanoe county prosecutors.

Indiana law requires that abortions on girls younger than 17 years old be reported to the state’s health department and social service within three days. These reports are used by law enforcement to determine whether the minor was a victim of abuse or sexual exploitation. Bernard and her colleagues do not believe it is necessary or important to ensure that girls who have abortions are treated fairly by rapists.

Did Bernard report the alleged 10-year-old rape victim to Indiana police as required by law? This is the big question and we will be able to answer it. We’re waiting for the Indiana Department of Health’s response to our media request. Once we have them, we will send them to you.

We hope Dr. Bernard enjoys her fifteen minutes of fame in the meantime.


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