Adam Kinzinger Solidifies His Position As the Democrats’ Favorite Political Prostitute

    AP Photo/Paul Sancya

    Former Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger (IL), despite his diminutive stature, found himself to be the biggest surprise guest on the final night of the Democratic National Convention.

    Sure, the left was all aflutter after TMZ incorrectly reported that Beyoncé would be making an appearance, but considering the media push touting “white dudes for Harris,” they were surely thrilled beyond words to see one of their most reliable political allies up on stage instead.

    Er, maybe not. 

    For his part, though, the former Illinois congressman seemed excited.

    “You never thought you’d see me here, did you?” he asked, doing his best to stifle a grin, but ending up looking like Lewis Skolnick in Revenge of the Nerds.

    To be clear, everybody on the planet expected to see Kinzinger at the DNC. I’m just glad somebody there found a tall enough milk crate for him to stand on so we could actually see his head poking out over the podium.

    Kinzinger delivered a speech with zero surprises, basically a Cliff’s Notes version of every appearance he’s made on CNN in the past year. He trashed Trump. He trashed Republicans. And he trashed Americans tired of the left-wing extremists destroying a once great nation.

    “The Republican Party is no longer conservative,” he declared. “It has switched its allegiance. From the principles that gave it purpose, to a man whose only purpose is himself.”

    Which is rich, considering Kinzinger is a man desperate for attention, so much so that he’s abandoned every conservative principle he once claimed to hold so dear.

    Not even Liz Cheney (R-WY), the second half of the dynamic duo that helped Democrats claim credence to the charade known as the January 6th committee hearings, was willing to show up at the DNC.

    But that’s what makes “Cryin’ Adam” so unique. He’s been signing his name to fundraising emails for Joe Biden previously and Kamala Harris now. He’s parlayed his role as schill for the Democrats on the J6 committee into a role as schill for them on CNN.

    And by golly, when they called on him to show up at the convention to endorse Harris, he ironed his little insurrection underpants, tossed a suit over them, and showed up with bells on.

    He is the left’s most consistent and reliable political whore. One has to wonder how much money was left on his dresser after the speech.

    Adam, you see, likes to get paid for his work as a useful idiot to the Democrats. 

    Last year, he was caught hawking autographed copies of the January 6th select committee final report online for just $100.

    And, of course, one day after he was atomic wedgied out of the House, CNN picked him up as a paid contributor.

    He later used his role on the J6 committee to produce a book titled, “Renegade: My Life in Faith, the Military, and Defending America from Trump’s Attack on Democracy.”

    Steven Quincy Urkel is more of a renegade than this rube.

    It isn’t just Kinzinger’s desire to be taken as seriously as a real boy that motivates his actions in serving as a puppet for Kamala and the Democrats, though that certainly plays a role. His track record proves it’s the money.

    Yet, he dared go after Republicans for abandoning their values?

    Adam Kinzinger is a broken man. Like many before him, he was broken by Donald Trump. Where once he espoused conservative values, he has since abandoned them because one man was too mean for his tastes.

    You will never hear him utter a word about basic conservative principles. No talk of lowering taxes. No talk of Second Amendment rights. No discussion of the right to life, of border security, of unleashing the economy.

    It’s insurrection … 24/7. Well, at least on those rare occasions when he’s not being stuffed inside a locker and is allowed to speak on behalf of the Democrats.

    You’ve seen the last remaining pieces of Kinzinger’s soul flee his body like the tears that left his eyes as he sobbed during his opening statements on the J6 committee. You’ve seen him fight fake crusades against the Republican nominee by comparing himself to 9/11 Flight 93 hero Todd Beamer.

    A shell of a human being, dancing like a monkey for his handlers at the DNC circus.

    You see him projecting, calling Trump a “weak man pretending to be strong”.

    Adam isn’t the strong man he fancies himself to be. He’s that new breed of “modern masculinity” the liberal media has been crowing about as they paraded an endless sea of “weird” men across the DNC stage.

    Which is to say no masculinity at all.

    The man who looks in the mirror and sees a “strong renegade” should know that, to the rest of the world, he’s basically AOC without the dress.


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