Amazon Recruits Private Prison Exec to Run Its Warehouses, Celebrates Itself for Diversity


The corporate state is leading the culture war. This distraction pits different identity groups against each other while quietly consolidating corporate power.

Amazon may not be able to air-condition its warehouses during summer (that would be costly), but it is proud of gender diversity. Perspective is a concept that encompasses both human and other people. All are equal, but more.

Amazon encourages diversity and encourages people from all walks of life to view the world in a variety of perspectives.

Dayna refers to the “Director for Learning and Development”, which is an Orwellian term meaning “Director for Compliance”.

Dayna worked as an administrator at Corrections Corporation of America before joining Amazon. Executives assume the public isn’t aware of the process.

Dayna boasts of how efficient Dayna processed the human inventory for her private prison bosses CCA.

All documentation was revised and the admission process for inmates was redesigned. This led to a 20% reduction in the processing time for inmates, and a lower error rate.

She was a great smuggler and Amazon hired her.

This is evident in the context of private prisons. They are privately profitable and receive public subsidies.

Amazon is an example of a company that operates in a competitive market.

It’s very attractive to most people. It should be hidden by different means.

Amazon doesn’t refer to its near-slave labor sweatshops as “near slavery–labor sweatshops”. Amazon uses the PR-tested term, “Fulfillment Centers”, to conceal its near-slave labor sweatshops.

Dayna is now de facto slavemaster and is also known as “Director for Learning and Development”, since the corporate state ethos depends on flowery language.

Dayna is a firm girl. She worked as a corporate employee before becoming the head for loss prevention. Then, she became the one who allowed Dayna to follow her true passion: selling people to corporate shareholders.

She says that she is a “Proud Amazonian”.

Dayna’s secondary sexual characteristics are what make her stand out.

It appears that Amazon Security Team also has other “loss prevention” managers.

It’s obvious that Amazon Security Team/Prison Guard staff is extremely racially varied.

Justin, Amazon’s “Site Leader”, discusses why it is important for women to manage their Amazon plantation.

We must adhere to Amazon’s leadership principles to provide better service to our customers. This is an important part of our female talent pool.

Translation: Women run sweatshops. It is loving and generous.

A $15-an-hour worker was stopped by his supervisors as he left the warehouse/dungeon. It is a crime for a company to keep a screwdriver in its pocket. He knows that everything is being handled by a woman.

The legal obligation to withhold overtime payments will be performed by a woman executive.

Apparently, though, somehow, all that glorious gender diversity hasn’t alleviated Amazon’s 159% attrition rate (compared to the national average in the warehouse and transportation sector of 46%-59%) or stemmed the tide of growing labor union organizing in its warehouses/Fulfillment Centers/techno-plantations.

Amazon’s Director for Learning and Development may have trouble keeping employees happy and quiet, especially when they are voluntary.

Dayna is a Woke woman supervisor who might have trouble keeping their staff if they have urinate in bottles to get a minimum wage.

Workers who are subject to heatstrokes in warehouses with temperatures of 114 degrees may be compensated by management. However, it seems that breaking down gender barriers in glass won’t be as successful as they had hoped.

The post Amazon Recruits Private Prison Exec to Run Its Warehouses, Celebrates Itself for Diversity appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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