As Hurricane Bears Down On Florida, Biden Shows Just How Petty He Can Be


Joe Biden is a very petty little man.

Florida is at risk with Hurricane Ian approaching. There is no time like the present to forget politics or pettiness. Everyone should come together and help in this critical situation which could endanger lives in Florida.

The media asked Biden and the White House about their response to Hurricane Irma. But one thing stood out: Biden had called three mayors in the affected regions, but not personally called Gov. Ron DeSantis was there when you would normally speak with the governor to ask him what he needed.

Deanne Criswell, FEMA Director, stated that her team was in touch with the governor’s staff but that Biden hadn’t called DeSantis personally.

Reporters attempted to answer the question of why this is a normal procedure. Criswell was unable to provide any explanation.

Breitbart’s correspondent pointed out that this is not normal for Biden. In the past, Biden has always addressed the governors personally during natural disasters and hurricanes.

Biden spoke about the hurricane in his remarks today, saying that he had spoken with the mayors from St. Petersburg, Tampa and Clearwater. He said, “I told each of them, whatever it is they need to contact me directly.” This seems to be a way for him to get around DeSantis.

How juvenile is that? These are the “adults in charge”. They don’t even pretend to have any excuse to keep Biden from speaking to them. DeSantis shouldn’t want to speak to Biden given the way Biden has demonized Republicans. DeSantis, however, isn’t a child. He puts his state first.

Joe Biden doesn’t like it, but he knows that DeSantis would be a good opponent if they were in 2024. Biden is well aware of this and it seems like it’s starting to get to him. It’s shameful to care more about yourself than the jobs you are supposed to do.

The post As Hurricane Bears Down On Florida, Biden Shows Just How Petty He Can Be appeared first on American Conservatives.


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