Ben Carson Launches Free K-5 Curriculum For Schools, Parents, Rejecting Racial, Ethnic Agitrop


Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson spoke to Breitbart News regarding a free K-5 education curriculum that challenges conventional racial or ethnic agitation. The American Cornerstone Institute (ACI) is the author.

ACI’s educational resource Little Patriots counters neoMarxist frames pushed upon many students. Carson cited “critical race theory” (and the “1619 Project) as examples of leftist content that is based on false premises. His organization’s curriculum seeks out to correct these misconceptions.

“We saw, obviously as many people did last year — that the things being taught to our children were false,” Carson stated in an interview with Alex Marlow in Friday’s Breitbart News Live podcast.

Carson warned that ignorance of national history can lead to people being disconnected from their cultural heritage. Carson spoke of how poor education combined with historical misinformation, disinformation disseminated through the machinery of culture is destroying Americans’ heritage and making them more vulnerable to political demagoguery.

He said, “I would watch these interviews on TV — man-on the-street interviews — to see how little our people know about our history, and our principles. And that’s very dangerous because your history is what gives you your identity, and your beliefs are what gives you your belief system. If you break that chain, you become like a leaf being swayed in the wind by whatever comes along, which is exactly what’s happening with our country.”

“We decided to put together a learning program at American Cornerstone, which is a think-tank-slash-do-tank, that means we don’t just think about stuff, we actually do things to solve problems,” he added. Star Spangled Adventures is the latest version of Little Patriots. It’s a beautiful online learning program. It’s a cartoon series that is free for children aged 5 to 5, and is perfect for public and private schools.

Little Patriots teaches the “real history of America, warts included,” Carson noted. “We don’t hide anything, but we put it in the right perspective.”

Carson thought about how Carson was able to avoid falling for leftist paradigms that saw blacks as victims by reading about their achievements.

Carson said that his family was very poor. He also recalled how he grew up. “But between a few of those books, my ability to go anywhere, be anybody, and I could do any thing, I could forget the poverty and start to think about what would happen to me as I began reading about people who have achieved great things in all fields. And that taught me that you are the one that has the greatest influence on what happens to your life.” It isn’t somebody else. I stopped listening and focusing on the negative comments from people who said, “You can’t succeed.” It’s all about society.

Carson pointed out that the left encourages racial and ethnic grievances.

He stated, “[Created Equal addresses] victimhood, critical race theory and 1619, all those things which they claim they aren’t teaching.” They’re making white children feel guilty and oppressed, and teaching black kids and other minorities that they are victims, and that the system is against them.

He noted that “all it does is create animosity and resentment between people.” “What is the ultimate goal of this kind of teaching, which is completely false?

Carson argued that racial and ethnic agitation tear apart America’s cultural fabric, making it vulnerable to internal collapse.


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