Biden Thrashed For Tweet Bragging About Gas Price Savings With Average Person Typo


To the ridicule of Twitter users, President Biden boasted Monday morning about gas prices falling by a modest amount.These savings are important for American families who want a little more breathing space,” Biden tweeted.

A graphic was also included in the tweet, telling followers that at current prices, an average driver will spend $35 per month on one car or $70 per month on a family of two cars.

Social media users again attacked Biden for trying to claim credit for lower gas prices, while others still face near-record highs.

Washington Examiner contributor Nicole Russell tweeted: “But I thought that you had nothing to deal with gas prices?”

Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy stated, “In other words: Americans are paying over 100 more per month per ‘peson,’ to fill their gas tanks, than when Biden was in office.”

Andrew Kerr, Washington Examiner reporter, noted that “The figures in Biden’s tweet this morning assume that the average ‘peson’ is consuming 50 Gallons per month per vehicle.” According to Biden’s methodology, 2 cars equal 100 gallons of gasoline = $70 in monthly’savings’ for an average American family.

Kassy Dillon, founder of Lone Conservative, tweeted “Now prices compared to one year ago snake oil salesman.”

Biden previously stated that inflation rates and gas prices were rising due to a “Putin Price Hike”, which was caused by the war in Ukraine. The administration now takes credit for the drop in gas prices to $5, despite the fact that they were at their highest point in June. However, gas prices in most states remain higher than $4 per gallon. The average price was $4.36 as of Monday. The average price of gas was $2.39 per gallon when Biden assumed office on January 20, 2021.

Many people also pointed out the typo in the graphic. In an official tweet from the government, “peson” was used instead of “person”.

“For one ‘peson? That’s great. I don’t like paying too much for a peson. Peson inflation is a problem for the country’s economy! Washington Times reporter Mike Glenn tweeted.

Rebecca Downs, editor at wrote: “Who spellchecked that …??” What is a “peson?”

“How many people were involved with designing, editing, and sending this poster?” At least five people, but probably many more. It was still sent out with a serious typo. This tells you a lot how the White House is staffed, and run,” tweeted Hans Mahncke (co-host of Truth Over News) on EpochTV.

RealClearInvestigations senior writer Mark Hemingway wrote, “Could be overthinking it b/c competence is not a Biden admin strong suit, but what are the chances typo is intentional? How to get people talking about the graphic? “Stray voltage” and all that.

Karine Jean-Pierre, White House press secretary, made similar claims about declining gas prices Thursday in a video posted to the White House Twitter account. The fact that gas prices remain two dollars higher today than when Biden was elected to office is also ignored by Jean-Pierre.


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