Border Czar Thinks He Knows Where ICE Leaks Are Coming From—and He’s Determined to Mete Out Consequences

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

As we’ve reported, Border Czar Tom Homan and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement have been conducting raids around the country to ban violent and dangerous illegal alien criminals and send them back to their home nations. It’s all part of the Trump campaign promise to secure our border and solve the illegal immigrant problem that has plagued the country since former President Joe Biden basically opened the gates and laid out a welcome mat, resulting in untold millions of illegals pouring across our boundaries.

But on several occasions, Homan and ICE have been convinced that someone tipped off communities to the raids, which caused them to be much less successful. They’re homing in on the culprit, Homan said on Sean Hannity’s FOX News Show Monday night:

HANNITY: Where are these leaks coming from?

HOMAN: Well, look, we think it’s coming from inside, and we know the first leak from Aurora [Colorado] is under current investigation. We think we identified that person, [they’re] under investigation right now. The California leak—[DHS] Secretary Noem—she’s correct on some of the information we’re receiving tends to lead toward the FBI, but I talked to the deputy attorney General all this weekend. 

They’ve opened up a criminal investigation; they have promised that not only will this person lose their job and lose their pension—they are going to jail. 

They are going to criminally prosecute. So we’re all over it.

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The planned California raid is reportedly planned to be particularly large, but Homan added that their efforts are stymied by these leaks, and he worries for his officers’ safety:

That raid is reported to be so large that FBI and DEA officers are being called in to support ICE officers.
Homan said it was “only a matter of time” before officers were harmed by the leaks, saying it was possible that “bad guys” could be sitting in wait for the officers to show up and ambush them.

The efforts by the Trump Team to do exactly what he promised in his campaign have set off the media and the Democrats, who are melting down on a regular basis, and have also been a target of numerous protests. Some of the largest have come during the Los Angeles multi-day demonstrations, where at least one man was stabbed, and the protesters closed a major freeway downtown. 

Related: WATCH: Los Angeles Streets Erupt As Anti-Repatriation Protests Escalate Into Rioting

WATCH: On Los Angeles’ Second Night of Violent Anti-ICE Protests, Mayor Bass Again Refuses to Arrest

So far, however, that doesn’t seem to be slowing down Trump’s determination to fix the problem. Whoever is behind these alleged leaks might want to find a nice faraway island with no cell service to settle down in for the time being. 


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