Chicago Mayor Says Things Are Getting Better When It’s Clearly Murder-Town USA


Chicago is currently in an election year. This means that politicians will attempt to convince voters that what they see is not real. Pay no attention to that alderman making off with millions in city contracts or that fire inspector getting paid off by the slumlord. This is Chicago and that’s just “The Chicago Way.”

Another thing that isn’t happening is Chicagoans being killed and shot every weekend. Over the Fourth of July weekend, there were 10 deaths and 62 injuries.

Lori Lightfoot is running for reelection as Chicago’s Mayor, so of course, she wants to make Chicagoans believe that things are getting better when Chicago’s streets are clearly a shooting gallery.

The Center Square:

Lightfoot, who was elected in 2018, has seen Chicago’s murder rate increase by 18% since she took office. She spoke Tuesday to reporters, saying that even with this weekend’s shootings, the city is improving.

Lightfoot stated, “Look if we consider what happened a year ago,” Lightfoot added.

David Brown, Chicago’s police superintendent, supported the mayor’s claim.

Brown stated that although we were one percent lower in homicides and double digits lower in shootings, one shooting is still too many.

But, not everyone believes that things are getting better. Raymond Lopez from Chicago Alderman doesn’t believe so.

Fox News:

When the superintendent tries to hold parents responsible and tells them to be aware of when our judicial system fails them on a weekly, daily basis — putting criminals out on the streets no sooner than our officers arrest them — everything he says rings hollow. The superintendent follows Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s lead and absolves himself and his staff of responsibility for their actions and policies that support and encourage criminals in Chicago. The parents didn’t decide to dismantle the gang and narcotics units and send the tactical and detective units to babysit Grant Park monuments. The parents didn’t decide that our officers would be working three to four weeks without any rest.

It is a question of “Govern what?”

On July 3, an officer pulled into the intersection of Elston Avenue and Division Street. According to ISP several people, approximately 100, started to crowd the ISP trooper’s squad car. They also broke the windshield and jumped on the hood. They also kicked and threw rocks, bricks, and fireworks at the vehicle.

Lightfoot attributed the incident to others.

Lightfoot said, “That tells us that people who behave so brazenly don’t have any respect for themselves own self much less respect for institutions such as the police department.”

How can anyone respect the police officers and any authority in this town when the mayor has pushed for them to be against them?

Lightfoot lamented “toxicity in public discourse” when discussing the Highland Park shootings. This was one week after Lightfoot had spoken out against Clarence Thomas in a Pride Day speech. She didn’t apologize. In fact, she laughed at the insanity.


Lightfoot said, “The toxicity in our public discourse should be a concern.” “We need to be able to see what brings us together, not what separates us. We must also remember to respect each other and the community. This is the biggest concern I have had over the past two years.

Chicago and Lightfoot are clearly spinning out of control.

The post Chicago Mayor Says Things Are Getting Better When It’s Clearly Murder-Town USA appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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