CNN Being CNN: Failing Network Again Trots Out ‘Trans’ Ex-Friend of JD Vance to Trash ‘Divisive’ VP

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

In this episode of “CNN… The Most Trusted Name in News”…

Since now-Vice President JD Vance was selected by then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as his 2024 running mate, CNN host Erin Burnett has delighted in trotting out — several times — a left-wing “transgender” former Yale classmate of Vance to blast the Trump administration’s policies on “transgenders” and other issues. 

In 2024, “Sofia” Nelson shared with Burnett a pile of old email exchanges he/she had with Vance — which was also shared with The New York Times — in a clear effort to aid in defeating Trump-Vance in November. Nelson made two previous appearances with Burnett — in July and in September — and blasted Vance as a “chameleon,” “fraud,” and someone who has become “callous and divisive.” 

On Friday’s ridiculous episode of CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront,” Sofia Nelson appeared for the third time, this time to respond to Trump’s order to remove the word “transgender” from federal government websites, and Vance’s recent criticism of judicial overreach. 

In other words, the absurdly self-proclaimed “Most Trusted Name in News” demonstrated yet again why its miserable ratings continue to swirl down the toilet.

Burnett kicked off the festivities thusly (emphasis, mine):

Tonight, the courts dealing Trump a setback. A second federal judge temporarily blocking an executive order rolling back transgender rights. Trump has announced four orders so far rolling those rights back, including purging all government websites of the word “transgender.” The latest is the webpage for the Stonewall National Monument which was the birthplace of the gay rights movement where transgender activists played a crucial role — now, shortening LGBTQ to LGB.

“OutFront” now, Sofia Nelson, a former close friend and Yale Law School classmate of Vice President JD Van ce. And Sofia familiar to so many of our viewers, but this is the first time, you know, you and I have talked since Trump and Vance won the election. 

And, you know, we talked prior to that about how he supported you when you had your own gender-affirming surgery back in 2012, but now here in these past few weeks we’ve seen executive order after executive order rolling back transgender rights. I mean, have you processed that? 

Burnett added: “What has gone through your mind as you have seen this unfold so quickly?”

Yes, that’s called a “set-up” question, a technique long-mastered by the left-wing media.

Nelson responded:

Thank you for having me, Erin, and good evening. It’s just been a furious pace, and the breadth of orders and the quickness of them have been shocking. I suppose I shouldn’t have been so naive, but I was hopeful that it wouldn’t be quite as bad as people are predicting. And it’s been as bad if not worse. There seems to be a very concerted effort to erase trans people from public life and from the history books. 

We know that Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera are heroes of the transgender community and … they led what became the modern day LGBT rights movement, which is memorialized at the Stonewall National Monument. And to erase that history — to rewrite history, that’s a real authoritarian move, Erin, and it’s part of this overall effort to erase trans people from public life and from history. But the truth is, we’ve always been here, and we will always be here. And they can try as hard as they would like, but we’re not going anywhere.

With any due respect to Nelson, no one is trying to “erase” so-called “trans” people from anywhere.

What concerned people have been doing is attempting to end the sick embrace of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), by which the left pushes the destructive narrative that “equity” trumps (no pun intended) meritIn addition, concerned people have been trying to end “trans” indoctrination of school kids and the insanity of “gender-affirming” irreversible mutilations, including mastectomies and castrations.

Burnett continued to push the “trans” narrative, while Nelson continued to trash JD Vance and the Trump administration. Watch the video, if you’re of the mind — I’m done with this insanity. For now.


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