Dem Rep. Correa: Tariffs on Latin America Are Causing Border Crisis


On Thursday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “The Hill,” Ranking Member of the Border Security and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA) stated that while there should be more personnel on the border, “long-term, we need to create jobs where people are fleeing. Instead of doing that, this administration is putting tariffs on goods from those areas where we should be creating jobs.”

Correa said, “Look, this is a worldwide refugee crisis. We’ve been seeing this coming for a long time. Trump had the problem, but COVID made it much, much worse. We’ve got thousands of people coming to the Darién Gap. We’re not focusing on short-term solutions or long-term solutions. This is a crisis that continues to get out of control. My solution working on this issue…[is] that we need more personnel to manage the border. But long-term, we need to create jobs where people are fleeing. Instead of doing that, this administration is putting tariffs on goods from those areas where we should be creating jobs. So, I think Congress has to put partisanship aside, and make sure we focus on the fundamental reasons why people are leaving their countries.”

Later, he added, “I would argue that the walls don’t work, barriers don’t work. Focus on the fundamental reasons why people are leaving their countries. And we haven’t done that. Why do we put tariffs on goods from Guatemala, from other Latin American countries? Help create jobs so people don’t have to go north.”

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  1. Typical Democratic talking point. Blame it on DJT who tariff these countries to send them a message to stop sending their people. Take the blame off of Snowman Biden for invitation illegal invasion.

    How shameful!!!!


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