Ever notice how, now and again, you run across a notion about politics that makes your ears perk up? A notion that makes you go, “Yes, please!”
Well, here’s one of those: Some disaffected leftists, upset at the self-destructing mess the Democratic Party has morphed into (and on that, we can scarcely blame them) are turning to none other than the daffy old Bolshevik from Vermont to save them.
Some internet users are calling on Sen. Bernie Sanders to form a new party in opposition to President Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again movement.
Sanders, the longest-serving independent in US congressional history with close ties to the Democratic Party, announced this week that he will be embarking on a National Tour to Fight Oligarchy that will begin this weekend in Omaha and Iowa City.
The campaign offensive is part of a larger pushback against the Trump administration that could help pave the way for future progressives to rise to power.
Of course, the last time anyone to the political right of Leon Trotsky took Bernie Sanders seriously was probably during the Carter administration, if even that recently. This is a man who honeymooned in the Soviet Union; a man who has never held an honest job in his life but has managed to amass a net worth of $3 million – this is actually modest for a senator but way outside the range most Americans fall into. He does have his two palatial houses in Vermont, including a $775,000 house on Lake Champlain, along with a townhome in Washington.
Seems like capitalism is treating the daffy old Bolshevik pretty well. Of course, the big pharmaceutical companies are also feeling the Bern, to the tune of, well, a lot of cash.
See Related: Look How Much Money Dems Get From Big Pharma – and Who Takes the Most!
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Why Bernie?
A recent poll from Data for Progress found that an overwhelming majority (73 percent) of Americans believe that billionaires “have too much influence over government.”
Sanders, 83, has long warned of how a small group of the wealthiest people in the nation are usurping power at the expense of the majority of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet, referred to more commonly nowadays as oligarchy.
Data for Progress, in case the name doesn’t give it away, is a far-left think tank that occasionally engages in some polling. Any results from that quarter are, shall we say, suspect. We can assuredly add Data for Progress to the list of “internet users” who are calling out, “Bernie, save us!”
But those of us to the right of Bernie Sanders, which is almost everyone, including people of all ages and ethnicities and possibly even pets, should welcome this move with open arms. Not only would a political party formed and led by this octogenarian relic, this harborer of envy and nostalgia for the Soviet Union, be roundly entertaining, but it would irreversibly split the American left. Democrats and whatever the new party is called – let’s speculate and call it the “Daffy Old Bolshevik Party” – would split the left’s vote. The two parties would probably form a coalition in Congress, but anywhere that the left had two parties on the ballot facing a unified right, they’d be in trouble.
This has the potential to even turn California and Oregon red.
So, yes, we should all encourage this effort. Not only would it be funny, it would reshape American politics – for the better.