Far-Left Daily Beast Grovels Apology To Hunter Laptop Whistleblower


The far-left Daily Beast lied to Hunter Biden about his laptop. The Daily Beast published the article in question in December 2020. With no evidence whatsoever, this newwwwzzzz piece misled its readers by calling the laptop “stolen. “Also, the laptop was stolen by the owner.

Yes, the man is real. He’s a human being, John Paul Mac Isaac. Mac Isaac was once a small-businessman before he bent over in threes to do right with the laptop legally his.

He wasn’t there then.


Because this right-thing-he-tried-to-do was damaging to Joe Biden and Joe Biden’s a Democrat, and if you dare release a damaging truth about a Democrat, our unbiased, objective corporate media will train billions of dollars of hate right between your eyes.

Evidently, Mac Isaac was not being accused by the rest of media of being a Russian spy.

After the lies and smears of the corporate media cost him his business, forcing him to flee his home — all because he did the right thing with a legal laptop that legally belonged after Hunter Biden left it in his repair shop. Without paying the bill, Mac Isaac filed a multi-million-dollar defamation lawsuit against the Daily Beast and CNNLOL, Politico and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

In an apparent attempt to get out of this multi-million dollar lawsuit, the Daily Beast’s sniveling liars made this apology 18 months later.


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