GOP Rep. Gallagher: Newsom Knows S.F. Is Bad, But Cares About Xi More than Residents


    On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) reacted to clean-up efforts in San Francisco ahead of the APEC trade summit — which China’s Xi Jinping is expected to attend — by stating that the clean-up efforts are an admission that politicians in the state like California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) “know San Francisco is an embarrassment and they don’t care about their residents, they only care about impressing Xi Jinping.”

    Gallagher said, “Well, let’s start with Newsom. That’s too ridiculous to let go by uncommented. But — for years, San Francisco residents have had to put up with rampant homelessness, open-air drug use, assaults, and feces-lined streets, all in the name of some twisted progressive notion of equity. But, suddenly, when a genocidal Communist dictator comes to town, the ideas of equity suddenly vanish and the streets get cleaned up. That’s very weird. What kind of message does that send? It means California politicians like Gavin Newsom know San Francisco is an embarrassment and they don’t care about their residents, they only care about impressing Xi Jinping. If it weren’t so sad, it would actually be funny.”

    Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


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