House Committee Drops Transcripts They Say PROVE Pentagon Ignored Trump’s J6 National Guard Request

    AP Photo/John Minchillo

    We’ve seen a lot of dishonest statements and allegations from the left about the events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol, with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the corrupt J6 Committee dropping the most disinformation. 

    One of the longest-running allegations is that Donald Trump knew violence was coming but did nothing to stop it. He never requested the National Guard, the narrative goes. He didn’t care what happened.

    Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) of the Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight has a different view, however, and he has newly released transcripts to back it up. In a press release Friday, Loudermilk said the Pentagon brass simply ignored Trump’s requests:

    Related: RAGING BULL: New J6 Footage Shows Pelosi Admitting They ‘Totally Failed,’ Then Setting Sights on Trump

    Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol

    We’ve known some of this before, but the transcripts themselves are pretty startling. They all but tell the sitting president of the United States to shove off:

    Then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley recalled that on January 3, 2021, three days before the protests, the commander-in-chief said he wanted a “safe event.”

    Obviously, Milley did not fulfill his boss’ demands, and we all know how that turned out.

    Then-Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller’s comments, though, are even more shocking; he too recalls the former president asking for troops but just assumed it was “presidential banter.” Are you kidding me?

    Bias, much? Mocking the commander-in-chief while you’re serving under him? Disgusting. He flat-out admitted he was going to do what he was going to do regardless of what he was told:

    Meanwhile, then-Chief Steven Sund of the Capitol Police said the Pentagon cared more about “optics” than keeping people safe:

    Unbelievable. As I mentioned, some of this has been known, but to read their actual words and see the hubris and defiance toward their commander is astonishing. We’ve seen so many lies told about what really went down, but these transcripts certainly seem to prove that Trump not only anticipated possible violence—but tried to prevent it.


    1. Do to liberalism our DOJ, our top military brass, and msm has become a joke. The safety of our country has become non existent, the doj is politicized against conservatives and the msm does nothing but feed us misinformation. Whoever stated that liberalism was a mental disorder was 100% correct. Our country has become the laughing stock of the world where our enemies are no longer in fear of our strengths.


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