How Much Will Biden’s Rising Approval Numbers Help?


Recent polls have shown President Joe Biden’s approval rating rising to the mid-40s. However, most polls still show that a majority of respondents are disapproving of his job performance. According to Rasmussen, Biden’s Presidential Approval Index score is currently -18. This index shows the difference in opinion between those who are most likely to approve and those who disapprove of Biden’s job performance. Biden ranks -18 among all probable voters.

It seems logical to assume that Republicans are the majority of people who disapprove. This finding is in favor of the GOP heading into November, Rasmussen reporting that the party still holds the edge in voter enthusiasm. According to Rasmussen, 64% of Republicans were very excited about the midterm elections, as compared with 56% of Democrats.

Only 38% of non-affiliated voters are excited to vote, while 49% of them believe that the issue regarding abortion rights will be very important during this year’s congressional election. This finding is offset by the fact 57% of men and 49% of women are more excited to vote this November. Rasmussen’s findings suggest that 2022 is a get-out of-the-base year. The Democrats have a critical segment of their base that is not fired up: college-educated, minority women are an important voting bloc.

It’s also difficult to find out why Biden’s approval has risen based on economic trends or issues polling. Voters choose candidates based upon how current policies affect them and their families. They look at the lower levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs first, before worrying about the virtue-signaling required by Democrats. Americans want to feel secure and confident in their ability to meet their basic physiological needs.

Even the most basic items are in danger right now. Although gas prices may have dropped a little, this is only temporary relief. Michael Shellenberger, climate activist and author, wrote in July that Biden does not have a plan for energy after November.

Yet, the leader of the free planet, President Joe Biden has no plans to significantly increase American oil and natural gas production. In fact, he has no energy plan beyond November according to a senior lobbyist in the oil and gas industry who spoke under anonymity.

The majority of gas price relief achieved to date has been due to lower demand and Biden’s release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. This means Americans travel less and has important national security implications due to Vladimir Putin’s recent saberrattling. The economic sign of demand destruction is particularly negative.

This is what happens when the global elite wants to push a political agenda and hold capital hostage until their green energy plans are implemented. Larry Fink, BlackRock CEO, is delighted that energy prices are rising as it shrinks “green premium.” Fink also has pushed a lot of money into green investments, mostly pensions and retirement savings funds. In the first quarter 2022, his firm lost 22% of its assets under management.

Fink also believes that climate change is driving agricultural production. Climate alarmists are pushing a ridiculous government policy that reduces agricultural output. The conflict in Ukraine is reducing fertilizer supply, and governments are limiting nitrogen emissions.

The entire collapse in food supply in Sri Lanka was caused by the World Economic Forum globalists driving emissions regulation, and not climate. Similar policies are being implemented in Canada and the Netherlands. The “Inflation Reduction Act” gave EPA the power and authority to regulate American agricultural emissions. Food shortages are more man-made than climate change. It is possible that Americans will experience food insecurity for first time since the 20th century.

To maintain their standard of living, an average American household will have to spend $11,500 more in 2022 compared to 2021. This premium will be significantly increased if there is food insecurity. In New York City, evictions have been steadily increasing as rent prices rise rapidly due to inflation and eviction moratoriums. Proper shelter could be at risk if this trend becomes national.

A new poll by Convention of States Action and Trafalgar shows that Americans feel less secure than they did two-years ago. This includes 64% of independent voters and nearly half of the Democrats polled.

“On the heels a poll showing that most Americans believe President Biden is divisive, we now see Americans feel less secure today than they did two years ago. Mark Meckler is President of the Convention of States. “Biden and his party use divisive rhetoric, advocating pro-criminal policy, and we’re seeing the results in our nation today,” he said.

Democrats who feel optimistic about November need to reassess their optimism. Energy, food and housing security are all at risk. Ray Fair, Yale University professor of economics, uses bare-bones economic data since 1978 to predict the outcome of elections. He is usually within three percent of the final results.

Fair’s most recent analysis using data back to 1916 suggests that Democrats will win 46.7% of the nationwide vote in November. This is a decrease from 51.3% in 2020, when Donald Trump was defeated by Biden and Democrats won control of both the House and the Senate. Democrats won’t be able to reach 50% if the three percent margin of error is maintained.

Fair is expected to update his model before November. However, the economic headwinds aren’t indicating a bump in support for Democrats, regardless of Biden’s approval ratings. It doesn’t matter if you are focusing on abortion or other niche issues. “It is the economy, stupid.” Republicans must continue to push this theme from now until November 3.

The post How Much Will Biden’s Rising Approval Numbers Help? appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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