Joe Biden Announces Plan to Build Railroad from ‘the Pacific All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’

Win McNamee/Getty Images, Yaorusheng/Getty Images

President Joe Biden claimed Thursday that his administration has plans to build a railroad from “the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean.”

Speaking at the League of Conservation Voters Thursday, Biden announced a massive plan to construct a railroad spanning nearly half the globe.

“We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean,” he said:

Also, during his remarks, Biden claimed that climate change is “the only truly existential threat” to American posterity.

“There’s a lot of threats our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, are gonna face. [Climate change] is the only truly existential threat…If we don’t meet the requirements that we are lookin’ at, we are in real trouble,” he said.

In addition, Biden claimed for the third time in one week that Africa has fewer than one billion people. “Soon, Africa will have one billion people,” he said.

According to Johns Hopkins University, “[s]ince 1982 Africa’s population has more than doubled with the continent passing the 1 billion mark in 2009.” estimates the population of Africa is about 1.4 billion.

Meanwhile, strong majorities of Americans have concerns about Biden’s “health and mental acuity,” including three in four Democrats, with 50 percent being either “very” or “somewhat” concerned and 26 percent being “slightly” concerned, a May poll found.

A majority of voters sampled by Quinnipiac polling also believe Biden is too old to serve a second term as president of the United States.

Related — CRASH LANDING! Biden Falls at U.S. Air Force Academy Commencement

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


  1. Biden is a LIAR.
    The transcontinental railroads were purposed by China and Russia to the US during the obama coup when this miserable man was VP. obama refused to talk with other countries because it was NOT a US idea.
    FYI, the propsed railroad ran from San Francisco to Alaska, under the Bering Sea through tunnels through Vladivostok, through Being and onto Moscow then split into two lines; one to St. Petersburg and the other to Paris, Calle and on to London.

    JOE BIDEN IS A LIAR … biden has NOTHING to do with this.

  2. This is not the villiage idiots idea
    he is the puppett
    no clue
    traitor, ingamas who just cares about his money
    family of traitors and criminals
    nothing more
    get a clue wake up , see the ignorant moran at work

  3. This makes no sense. Biden needs a nanny and a nurse, and we let him be our president?
    There needs to be someone in charge that can pass a police sobriety check, walk, not fall going up stairs, downstairs or across a stage platform. Russia and China are laughing at America!


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