Joe Biden ‘Concerned’ About Peaceful Transfer of Power, Post-Election

    AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

    Think about all of the incidents of rioting, looting, and social unrest over the last few years, and one thing becomes apparent: They are almost all carried out by leftist activists in the name of leftist causes, from “Occupy Wall Street” to the George Floyd riots to the various Antifa occupations and riots.

    So when President Joe Biden claims he’s worried about a post-presidential election “peaceful transfer of power” and names Trump supporters, that’s Richter-scale irony.

    Check out my colleague Nick Arama’s piece on the entire Biden speech; it was a doozie.

    See Related:Biden WH Briefing: Tone Deaf on Hurricane, Feeds Netanyahu Conspiracy Theory, Throws Kamala Under Bus

    I wouldn’t worry too much about what Donald Trump and his supporters are going to do if he loses the election. I will be much, much more concerned about what the left will do if he wins.

    If Donald Trump wins the election, I’d be worried about a couple of things in particular:

    First: Our major cities may well explode. The non-stop drumbeat of media damnation of all things Trump, the non-stop shouting about Trump = Hitler and worse, has led to this; if (we can hope) Trump wins, all of that will be unleashed. Protests will become riots which will become arson which will become looting and worse, and as in the summer of 2020, blue-city mayors will do little or nothing to prevent it or deal with it once it’s started.

    Second: The media will go into overtime to try to sabotage any second Trump administration before it can get off the ground. Think about the platform they gave the “Trump is not a legitimate president” people, including Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager-Empress of Chappaqua, only several orders of magnitude greater. The coverage will be overwhelmingly negative — sort of like it already is.

    As usual, Joe Biden got this exactly wrong.

    If Kamala Harris and Tin Walz win the election (shudder), there will be a peaceful transfer of power. There will be grumbling and complaining, but things will move along. 

    If Donald Trump and JD Vance win the election (we can hope), our cities are liable to melt down, and the wave of outrage from the left will set off tsunami warnings across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    See Related: Joe Biden Takes a Baseball Bat to Kamala Harris’ Campaign Narrative

    Biden WH Briefing: Tone Deaf on Hurricane, Feeds Netanyahu Conspiracy Theory, Throws Kamala Under Bus

    And even Politico is already in on the act:

    And there is another example of what I’m talking about. What happened on January 6, 2021, was unfortunate for any number of reasons. Yes, cooler heads should have prevailed. Yes, people should have listened to Donald Trump’s admonition to “make your voices peacefully heard.” But an insurrection this was not. It was, at the most, hooliganism. But the legacy media insists on characterizing a few people taking selfies in the Capitol as a threat to the existence of the republic, and this is why a Trump victory may well lead to major civil unrest.


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