Joe Biden Experiences Immediate Confusion in Israel Before Insulting Holocaust Victims


Every day is a brand new day. That means President Joe Biden has every opportunity to make a big deal about himself and the country he leads on the international stage.

On Wednesday, the president arrived in Israel for the beginning of a series of joint meetings in the Middle East. Biden did not even make it to the ground before things got out of control. Biden’s first words upon leaving the airstairs were, “What am I doing?”

JOE BIDEN in Israel: “What am I doing now?”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 13, 2022

You can’t be confused as soon as you get off the plane, which is a sign of leadership, confidence, and ability. His appearance is just so tired, perhaps because he has seen worse in every public appearance. He speaks out loudly, but that’s not what I am referring to. Instead, anyone who is paying attention should be concerned about his entire presentation, both mentally and physically.

Biden was still confused about the situation on the tarmac. He took a few steps further forward but then got even more confused. While being led around in a nursing home like a grandpa, Biden insulted an Israeli female servicemember. There’s a good chance that most people living in assisted living are better than this.

Upon arriving in Israel, Biden to a female servicemember: “I’m not going with you?”

Joe Biden starts his trip with some sexual harassment.

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 13, 2022

I had intended to joke about the female servicemember being too young to allow Biden to sniff her (that has happened again recently). But, again, his physical appearance in the clip is the more important story. This man isn’t healthy enough to run for president. He isn’t even fit enough to greet customers at Wal-Mart.

Biden began to speak and things didn’t improve. He tried to comment on the Holocaust but he said that it was an act of “truth and honor”.

“…to keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust…horror of the Holocaust…”

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) July 13, 2022

Given that he has a script that he must read, which no doubt has a three-digit font, I would like to know how he did it. But we all know the answer. The President of the United States has reached a point where he is considered senile. He mispronounced the name he wanted to cite in Israel, even before his flub on truth and honor. After mentioning the six million Jews’ genocide, he also mispronounced his pace. It sounds as if he was saying that we must “continue”, before doubling back to clarify that “we must bear witness.”

While Biden’s constant face-planting can be entertaining in some ways, it is also very dangerous for the country that he leads. The United States has been made a laughing stock due to its tyranny and fecklessness. This is a man who cannot walk and is psychically guided around by his handlers. Do you think Xi Jinping is afraid of Joe Biden? His Secret Service agents are just days away from buying one of those leashes for the president.

This cannot continue for two and a quarter years. There is no other way. Biden’s health and those around him need to be there for him.

The post Joe Biden Experiences Immediate Confusion in Israel Before Insulting Holocaust Victims appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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