Kevin McCarthy Previews Commitment To America


Kevin McCarthy, House GOP leader, was the potential Speaker of the House if the GOP retakes the majority in November’s midterm election. He exclusively previewed the GOP’s forthcoming “Commitment to America” for Breitbart News in Western Pennsylvania on Thursday evening, ahead of Friday’s launch.

“We’re going to roll it tomorrow on Friday in Washington–Washington County, not Washington, DC, where the real Americans are,” McCarthy said. It is a plan that will put America back on track. It is a Commitment for America, where the Republican members have spent the past year and a quarter in various task forces working out solutions to problems.

About 30 House Republicans will meet outside Pittsburgh at a metal-sheet working plant to unveil the long-awaited agenda. This is the largest effort Republicans have made in advance of an election since 1994’s Contract with America.

McCarthy stated that the four pillars are: A strong economy, a secure nation, freedom-based government, and an accountable government. We outline what we will do under each pillar. We will stop the runaway spending and reduce inflation in an economy that is strong. We will make the country energy independent and reduce gas prices. We will bring back the supply chains from China to America. A nation that is safe will first secure its border, end the catch-and-release system and stop the spread of fentanyl. We will be able have 200,000 additional police officers. The other thing that we will be able do is to spotlight on the prosecutors and DAs who have not been following the law and bring out a transparency chart to let everyone know where we are at. We will defend our national security, of course.

McCarthy further explained the agenda under these two pillars.

McCarthy stated, “Then, we’re going look at a future built upon freedom.” “We are going to pass the Parents’ Bill Of Rights. Parents should have the right to influence their children’s education. We will give parents the right to choose their schools. So that a million children can attend new schools, we’re going get tax credits. There is healthcare. Big Tech and Big Tech are responsible and accountable. Fairness is guaranteed. All the things that we discussed from the beginning, and all the other things we will be pursuing from ESG to Section 233, are all there. Next, we will be talking about a government accountable. We will defend our rights under the Second Amendment, including freedom of speech. Next, we go in to find that we have over 500 preservation letters from these agencies. We don’t know where COVID originated. We don’t know what happened in Afghanistan, when the president ignored the military. What about the Attorney General who called parents terrorists because they attended school board meetings? We will hold all agencies accountable for this. The last is to ensure that Congress works. We will remove proxy voting on the first day, and then we will have an entire election law bill to address voter ID and cleaning up the rolls.

The Commitment to America rollout is expected to be attended by a wide range of House GOP members. McCarthy, his two top lieutenants, Steve Scalise, House GOP whip, and Elise Stefanik, Conference Chairwoman, will be present, as will a broad spectrum of House GOP rank and file from all parties.

McCarthy stated that Republicans will take the message to voters after the rollout and use the Commitment To America as a core tool in their campaign.


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