Kevin Spacey Charged With Sexually Assaulting 3 Men in UK


British prosecutors have accused Kevin Spacey of four counts of sexual assault on three men in the U.K.

The Crown Prosecution Service announced Thursday that the charges against Spacey, an award-winning actor, “follow a review by the Metropolitan Police.” The agency also stated that Spacey, who is 62, was charged with “causing another person to engage in penetrative sexual activities without consent.”

These alleged incidents occurred in London in March 2005, August 2008, and April 2013, and in western England in April 2013. They are in their 40s and 30s now.

Rosemary Ainslie is the head of the Special Crime Division of the service. She said that the charges were based on a review of evidence from London’s Metropolitan Police.

British police interrogated Spacey in 2019 over claims made by several men that Spacey had assaulted them.

Between 2004 and 2015, the Old Vic Theatre in London was run by the former star of “House of Cards”.

Spacey was awarded a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for “The Usual Suspects,” 1995, and a Lead Actor Oscar for “American Beauty” 1999.

In 2017, Anthony Rapp, an actor accused of assaulting Rapp at a party in the 1980s when Rapp was just a teenager, brought an abrupt end to his famed career.

Spacey has denied the allegations and is currently trying for a New York sex abuse lawsuit against Rapp.

A criminal case brought against him, an indecent assault and battery charge stemming from the alleged groping of an 18-year-old man at a Nantucket resort, was dismissed by Massachusetts prosecutors in 2019.


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