Michigan Democrat Elissa Slotkin Gets Dinged by a Fellow Dem on Her Minority Hiring Practices

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Well, I have to say it’s about damn time that Michigan Democrats had a little bit of intra-party drama to take the focus off of the Michigan Republicans troubles over the past year.  Here is a sampling of some of what I have written about here at RedState about the MI-GOP.

FINALLY: Legitimate Michigan GOP Chairman Pete Hoekstra Now in Control of Social Media Accounts

OPINION: Michigan GOP Does the Right Thing and Drops Lawsuit Filed by Former Chairperson Karamo

While Michigan GOP has had alleged Democrat infiltrators within their ranks, I’m hoping that has possibly been put to rest since former Trump Ambassador Pete Hoekstra has taken over the reins of the party. 

Now Democrats have a problem that is purely woke and years in the making.

Something that the Democrats love to do is point fingers at others and say they are racist. To wit, I came across this story right HERE:

Tensions are flaring in the Democratic primary for Michigan’s open Senate seat amid accusations from an opponent of Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) that she’s playing politics with black voters.
Hill Harper, a black actor and long-shot Democratic candidate against establishment-backed Slotkin, says she’s taking for granted the powerful voting bloc in the Great Lakes State, according to campaign footage obtained by the Washington Examiner.
Harper told supporters this week at an LGBT campaign event in Grand Rapids that Slotkin has engaged in “performative” politics by beefing up her team with “a whole bunch of black folks from Detroit” while employing none in her congressional offices.
“How do I know that stuff is so performative in this race? My opponent has sat in Congress for three terms, and you know how many black folks she had on her staff, total? Total, total, total, total, total, total, total, total? Zero,” Harper said. “But you look at her campaign, and she hired a whole bunch of black folks from Detroit. She got black people on the campaign who are like, ‘Whoa!’ But when you actually hired people for the work you’re doing, did you do that? Absolutely not.”

I’m surprised that Harper didn’t just come and flat-out say Slotkin was a Republican in hiding after that type of accusation.

There was a time in the country, right after the late Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, when people hoped that one day their kids would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. As far as I can tell, that dream died sometime right after his historic 1963 speech, and the Democrats abandoned those dreams altogether after his murder in 1968.

The modern-day Democrat Party is just a collection of boxes that need to be ticked off and race is usually at the top of that list. Of course, now the list also includes a certain amount of gender confusion of men pretending to be women and questions about whether you can scream loud enough about Palestine being occupied or some other nonsense like that.

I would love to just chalk this up to Harper, who is a long shot in this race to win the Dem nomination, as trying to gain any attention against Slotkin, who is just a bland candidate who has no real accomplishments to her time in office. 

Yet the Democrats in Southeastern Michigan right now are a tad bit crabby with each other over the Israel-Gaza dustup and this could work in trying to portray Representative Slotkin in some kind of horrible racist-like light. Maybe if this alleged smear attempt works it’ll give Democrats pause in the future before just going out and screaming racism anytime their ideas get defeated on a cable news show or in debates during campaign seasons.

I think you and I both know, though, that’s about as likely to happen as Joe Biden giving a news conference, forming complete sentences, and giving thoughtful answers. Biden has not been able to do that since his first term in the Senate back in the ’70s, so I’m not going to hold my breath for that.

However, now that some sort of racist motive has been thrown amongst the Democrats in Michigan, I’ll have to follow this a little more closely and see if this accusation has any legs.

It’ll be a welcome change from Michigan Republicans battering each other.


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