Missouri AG Eric Schmitt and Scotland County Sheriff Vow to Fight the FBI Trojan Horse Audit


President Joe Biden can’t appoint a head for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Senate confirmation is required. Biden and his staff know that even though they have signed gun-control legislation, this will not affect gun owners’ rights, particularly in light of the Supreme Court Bruen decision. Many states are working to remove obstacles that restrict citizens’ freedoms as the Biden administration waged its war against lawful gun owners. As well as those declaring themselves 2A sanctuary, the number of states that have approved permitless and open firearms carry is increasing.

Missouri is one state that has taken steps to protect Second Amendment rights. The Biden administration appears to have begun to use the FBI to subvert state rights.

Fox News:

Missouri officials criticize a planned FBI audit of various sheriff’s offices in the state. The audit is a plan to illegally obtain information about concealed carry permit holders.

Bryan Whitney, Republican Scotland County Sheriff wrote that he would not allow, cooperate or release any CCW information (or the FBI) against anyone in his community.

“Point Blank. I will go down, with the ship if needed,” was the message that Fox News Digital reviewed Tuesday.

Whitney said that he was inspired by an FBI audit of Missouri’s 24 counties to write the letter.

Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General and Senate Candidate) also spoke out against the Feds’ attempts to block civil liberties.

Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General) demanded that the FBI stop illegally obtaining information about Missourians with concealed carry permits from local sheriffs. Last week, he also wrote a letter to Christopher Wray, FBI Director.

Schmitt stated that the FBI has “absolutely no business” looking into the private information of Missourians who have been issued concealed carry permits. According to a press release, Schmitt stated that the FBI “has absolutely no business looking into the private information of people who have obtained concealed carry permits in Missouri.” The FBI has been relentlessly politicized and has virtually no credibility.

Schmitt explained that Missouri law prohibits sharing the private Missouri list with federal governments. Wray was then informed that the Obama Administration wanted the law passed. ”

Fox News reports the FBI will examine a sample of system transactions in order to confirm compliance with the Criminal Justice Information Services Division system systems.

The FBI stated that they would not have access to the state’s approved concealed carry holders lists at any time and would not retain information beyond what was required to address a particular compliance concern. The FBI stated that the state had been through “this routine audit multiple times” most recently in the 2018 span.

The Feds have been targeting red states with elected leaders who are opposed to the progressive agenda of the administration. Both AG Schmitt and the sheriff are suspicious of their motives.

Whitney stated that he did not believe the FBI’s claims “to be accurate” and then said in an interview with Fox News Digital that Missourians had lost faith in the FBI.

Schmitt also wrote Wray, arguing with Wray that Missourians have lost trust in the FBI.

Schmitt keeps his record as a champion for Missouri, the country, and himself. He’s not afraid to fight and brings the fight to Biden.

Sheriff Whitney works with AG Schmitt in defense of Missourians’ constitutional right to bear arms. Whitney said to Fox News that he will transfer Missourians’ CCW data from a secure server to protect them against backdoor surveillance by the FBI.

Whitney also spoke out about the California data breach, which exposed the personal information of California CCW Holders. Whitney said that this was “one reason” why the FBI won’t audit his county.

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