Multiple Migrants Rescued In Desert Regions Along Southwest Border


Multiple sectors of Border Patrol agents rescued migrants from desert areas along the southwest border with Mexico.

Gregory K. Bovino, El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent, tweeted a photo showing a migrant woman who was rescued by BORSTAR agents in the Jacumba Wilderness area in Southern California.

Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin posted photos of a rescue operation for a migrant. Agents from Tucson Station found the Guatemalan migrant hidden in the Baboquivari mountains. To rescue the migrant, the agents joined forces with an Arizona Department of Public Safety helicopter crew.

According to Gloria I. Chavez, El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez’s tweet, El Paso Sector agents received an emergency call from a father and his daughter about their severe dehydration in the New Mexico desert. Agents treated the father and his daughter and then moved them to safety.

Agents in three different sectors saved four people from dangerous situations in the desert areas near Mexico’s border.


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