Nancy Pelosi Gets Testy and Snarls a Bit When Asked About Being Primaried

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Nancy Pelosi had to expect what was coming.

The first woman to be elected speaker of the United States House of Representatives has been involved in politics and how the game of it is played behind the scenes since right around the time that Moses split the Red Sea. 

Actually, since Ronald Reagan was president, which is kinda close.

However, even with experience, everyone gets old enough and cranky enough that they start to have get -off-my-lawn moments, and Nancy has burned some bridges in her day, which people will occasionally jump on to make her life a little more miserable than it usually is.

In addition to the stories of her throwing Biden under the political bus after he debate with Trump last year, she has butted heads with many of her colleagues on her side of the aisle.

Stuff happens, as the kids say. We covered one such story here at RedState a little while ago.

See: Pelosi Shivs Schumer After He Caves on Shutdown, Jeffries Refuses to Comment If He Should Stay Leader

Tensions between prominent Democrat leaders grew Friday, as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi rebuked Senate Leader Chuck Schumer for caving on the Republican continuing resolution (CR). At the same time, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries refused to comment on his future as a leader.

The striking remarks by Pelosi (D-CA) and the lack of response by Jeffries (D-NY) speak volumes about how disappointed they are with Schumer’s actions. They also indicate that, like Schumer (D-NY) initially, they are strongly advocating for a government shutdown.

“America has experienced a Trump shutdown before — but this damaging legislation only makes matters worse. Democrats must not buy into this false choice. We must fight back for a better way. Listen to the women, For The People,” Pelosi said in a statement.

The presumption is that, by contrast, Schumer did “buy into this false choice.” It’s also a shot at Schumer, implying that women in Congress are the true leaders on this matter.

Being that Nancy and Chuck both belong to the Democratic Party, which seems to believe that biological men can be biological women, is it the biological people who were born as women that are the true leaders, or vice versa?

I think it’s a fair question.

Once again, even as skilled as Pelosi has been, everybody eventually grows out of their prime, and that might be starting to happen with her because people are starting to get under her skin. I read about one incident right HERE, and it made me ponder that maybe San Fran Nan is ready to call it a career.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not want to talk about her political future amid questions about whether the 84-year-old congresswoman is considering retirement. 

The California Democrat was recently asked about being challenged in the primary for her San Francisco seat, but she dismissed the question. 

A reporter asked Pelosi at an event in San Francisco whether her current 20th term in Congress be her last, according to the New York Times.

‘I didn’t come here to talk politics,’ the longtime lawmaker reportedly snapped back in response. 

‘When I’m in a political arena, I’ll have an answer for you, but that doesn’t worry me one bit,’ she continued.

The exchange happened during a media event while the congresswoman was back in her home state last week. 

The former speaker reportedly then turned to a member of her staff as she was escorted away and asked: ‘Why do they always give women the dumb questions?’

A couple of quick things here that I noticed.

Nancy is claiming that she’s not at the event to talk politics, yet she’s a politician at a public event, so you have to expect people to talk about political things. She knows this very well, and that excuse is watered-down applesauce.

Then she goes ahead and answers the question about being primaried and says she’s not worried about that one bit. 

I would put my money on her winning any primary, but you better believe that she’s annoyed about the thought anyway.

Also, her off-hand remark about a reporter who happens to be a woman asking a dumb question—and immediately thinking that the woman had to be given the question to ask—isn’t insulting to ladies everywhere?

Does Nancy automatically think that a man wrote that question?

What if it were a woman who wrote the question for the reporter?

What if it were a trans woman who wrote the question for the lady reporter?

There are so many variables here that it hurts the logical mind to ponder them all, but then again, Nancy depends on her constituents and her supporters not to embrace logic. There is a reason she’s been a perpetual fixture in California politics for as long as she has, and that’s because she plays to the loony progressive base out on the left coast.

She is good at it.

Everyone has a bad day on occasion, and sometimes, when you regularly have multiple bad days in a row, it might be time to call it a career.

I don’t know if Nancy is ready to hang up her voting privilege in the United States House of Representatives, but at 84 years old, I would think she probably has better things to do with the time left that she has on Earth.

However, I could be wrong.



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