Nolte: Poll Shows Tucker Carlson More Popular Than Fox News


By a margin of 59 to 52 percent, polling shows Tucker Carlson is more popular than his former employer, Fox News.

“After being ousted from his prime-time show at Fox News Channel, commentator Tucker Carlson is more popular than the network that fired him — especially among conservatives and Republican voters,” said Rasmussen Reports, who polled 945 likely voters. “Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Likely U.S. voters have a favorable impression of Carlson, including 36% who have a Very Favorable opinion of him.”

The Associated Press

A headline about President Donald Trump is displayed outside Fox News studios in New York on Nov. 28, 2018. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

By comparison, “Fox News … is viewed favorably by 52% of voters, including 24% with a Very Favorable opinion.”

Fox News does top Carlson’s unfavorable rating, which is not a good thing, but it is something.

“Forty-two percent (42%) [of likely voters] view Fox News unfavorably, including 28% with a Very Unfavorable impression,” Rasmussen found.

However, only 34 percent “view Carlson unfavorably, including 25% with a Very Unfavorable impression.”

Tucker Carlson during 2022 FOX Nation Patriot Awards at Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood on November 17, 2022 in Hollywood, Florida. (Jason Koerner/Getty Images)

When asked if Carlson’s firing “will make Fox News better,” only 19 percent of likely voters said yes, while 32 percent said the firing will make Fox News worse. Forty-two percent said it will make no difference.

Specifically, among Republicans, 61 percent view Fox News favorably, compared to 71 percent who view Carlson favorably. Thirty-three percent of Republicans view Fox News unfavorably, while only 21 percent say the same about Tucker.

Even more specifically, among conservatives, 66 percent view Fox News favorably, compared to 83 percent who view Carlson favorably. Twenty-nine percent of conservatives view the Fox News channel unfavorably, while only 12 percent say the same about Carlson.

WATCH: CNN’s Darcy: Fox News Viewership “Collapsing” Among 25-54 Age Demo After Tucker Firing:


When Republicans were asked if Carlson being fired by the cucks at Fox News would make the cuck outlet better, only 13 percent agreed. Nearly half, a full 47 percent of Republicans, said the cuck network firing Tucker Carlson would make the cuck network worse.

When conservatives were asked the same question about better or worse, 22 percent said Carlson’s firing would improve Fox News, while 49 percent said it would make Cuck News worse.

As I wrote earlier this week, unlike Don Lemon, Keith Olbermann, Brian Stelter, Megyn Kelly, and Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson was not dependent on a cable news network to affect the national conversation. The Don Lemons and Megyn Kellys had an audience. Carlson has something very different, and that’s a following.

The primary reason he has a following is that he is willing to say and question things almost no one else will, including his colleagues at Cuck News. I’m not a fan of any cable news personality. I agree and disagree with Carlson. I don’t know the man. I have no dog in this fight. I just know what I see, and what I see is a unique situation where a former cable news anchor has enough of a following to shake up the media landscape.

We already have anecdotal proof of that with the metrics behind a video Carlson released this week, along with Fox’s sliding primetime ratings.

Much has to happen before anyone can declare anything. Carlson has a contract. Until that’s negotiated, he’s likely bound by a non-compete clause to not publicly discuss relevant issues in any format. I’m sure Fox would love to stifle Carlson until the end of his contract. I’m equally sure Fox News believes paying out his contract is a small price to pay for silencing him. Fox News knows that unless they silence Carlson, he will 1) undercut their viewership, 2) guide the national conversation, and 3) retain his influence. Ah, but if Fox silences him for an extended length of time, his influence might disappear.


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