Fauci And Wife’s Net Worth Increased By $5M During The Pandemic, Analysis Finds

While many Americans and companies were affected by the pandemic and suffered financial loss, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci and His Spouse saw a $5million increase in their net worth.OpenTheBooks, an independent watchdog, found that the Faucis’ net wealth increased from $7.5million in 2019, to $12.6million by the end of 2021. Fox News Digital shared...

Mitt Romney’s Refusal To Endorse Mike Lee Infuriates Senate Republicans

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), a Democrat, decided not to endorse Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). This has angered Senate Republicans and conservative activists.Utah’s junior senator Romney has declined to endorse Lee’s bid for reelection. Lee is Utah’s senior senator.Sen. Republicans in the Senate are increasingly concerned by this decision. They note that although they may disagree on policy, they usually...

White House in Turmoil, Planning Major Shake-Up

According to reports, the White House may consider a major overhaul after November’s midterm elections. These are likely not to go well for Democrats. According to the report, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is likely to be fired along with National Economic Council Director Brian Deese in “broad reorganization” of President Biden’s economic team. This may be related to a larger shake-up...

CNN Can’t Stop Using Florida’s Destructive Hurricane Ian to Push Climate Politics

CNN takes the motto “Never let a crisis waste” too seriously. It cannot stop using Hurricane Ian to promote climate change narratives. We previously reported that Don Lemon tried to get the NOAA director to declare that climate change caused the hurricane’s intensity. The director refused to do so. Bill Weir, a CNN anchor, is now trying to claim that global...

Woman Who Wrecked Atlanta Has Thoughts on GOP Commitment to America

Kevin McCarthy, the Minority Leader of the GOP, announced last week his Commitment to America. It is focused on ending the worst policies of Biden’s agenda, which have led to record inflation, increased crime, drug overdoses, and dependence on China. MSNBC invited Keisha Lance Bottoms (ex-Mayor of Atlanta), to discuss the mainstream plan that the Republicans had proposed. How terrible...

Meet the New GOP: Younger, Female, Hispanic, and More Attractive

The New GOP has made a significant change in a short period of time. It is no longer the image of old, grumpy men who harrumphing about cigars at Ugly Pants Night at their local Chamber of Commerce.It is finally looking more like a grand old party.Today, I want to introduce you to two congressional candidates who have been...

TN House GOP Formally Requests Vanderbilt Medical Halt Gender Surgeries on Minors

On Wednesday, Tennessee House Republicans requested that Vanderbilt University Medical Center(VUMC), which offers pediatric and adult transgender surgeries stop gender surgery on children, immediately.Jason Zachary, Republican Representative of the State House signed a letter with 62 members to express concern over reports that “surgical mutilations” were being performed on minor children at VUMC’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic.The letter stated that...

GOP Gov. Kristi Noem Announces Largest Tax Cut In South Dakota History

Gov. Kristi Noem (Republican-State of Dakota), who is running for re-election in November’s midterms, announced that she would eliminate the South Dakota sales tax on grocery purchases, Fox News Digital was told by the governor’s offices.Noem stated that the economic climate was a contributing factor to her decision to cut the tax.“South Dakotans work hard. They work hard every day to...

NYU Prof Quits Academic Group Over DEI Statement

Jonathan Haidt (NYU professor) has resigned as a member of an academic group that requires diversity equity and inclusion statements. This statement states: “As scholars I believe we have a fiduciary duty to the truth. ”Jonathan Haidt is NYU’s Social Psychology Professor. He announced that he would be resigning from his main professional association, the Society for Personality and Social...

Biden Only Spoke to DeSantis After the Governor Called Out the President’s Pettiness

PJ Media reported that the White House admitted that President Biden had called a number mayors of Florida in advance of Hurricane Ian hitting land. However, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t receive a call. DeSantis spoke out about the lack of communication from the White House at a Tuesday press conference. He noted that he had received support from FEMA but...