North Carolina Babysitter Sentenced to Minimum of 4 Years in Prison for Fentanyl Death of Toddler

Haley Godshall was a North Carolina babysitter who pleaded guilty Tuesday, to the involuntary killing of a 16-month-old baby after he ingested a fatal dose of fentanyl. According to the Charlotte Observer, the 24-year-old will spend between four to seven years in prison. Nancy Lee, Assistant district attorney, stated to the court that Godshall called Alexia Jenkins in November 2021 and...

How Much Will Biden’s Rising Approval Numbers Help?

Recent polls have shown President Joe Biden’s approval rating rising to the mid-40s. However, most polls still show that a majority of respondents are disapproving of his job performance. According to Rasmussen, Biden’s Presidential Approval Index score is currently -18. This index shows the difference in opinion between those who are most likely to approve and those who disapprove of Biden’s...

Chaos Erupts When Texas Parents Clash With Police After False School Shooting Alert

Parents tried to enter a Texas high school after hearing that there had been an active shooter. This was later proven false. As they tried to gain access to Jefferson High School, the lockdown was in effect and the parents became angry with the officers. A police officer threw one injured man to the ground. Reports of a school shooting...

MSNBC Savaged by Viewers Over Chris Matthews’ Brief Return

Oh, how the smug have fallen. Left-wing dinosaurs need to learn that whining about Donald Trump will not get them in the good graces woke police. They constantly (wo/man) the unforgiving searchlights in an never-ending search for offenders of all sizes, shapes, and convictions. Particularly the white males. On Thursday, Morning Joe was graced by Chris Matthews, the former personality of Chris...

Secret Service Sued for Details on Hunter Biden Gun Saga

Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act suit this week to obtain answers from Secret Service regarding the Hunter Biden gun shooting in Delaware four years back. After reports surfaced about President Joe Biden’s son throwing a gun in the trash close to a Delaware high school, in October 2018, by Hallie Biden (his sister-in-law), conservative legal advocacy...

Ukraine War Proves Security Council Is ‘Paralyzed by Veto’

Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico’s foreign affairs Minister) represented Mexico at the 77th United Nations General Assembly. He gave a short speech in which he called on the United Nations Security Council to reform after the Council failed in its mission to stop the Russian invasion.The Minister said that the Security Council had not been able fulfill its mandate as it...

JPMorgan CEO Rejects Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Far-Left Demand

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Minn.), demanded Wednesday that America’s top banks stop funding fossil fuel companies. Her wakeful request was met by Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO and chairman. What’s the deal? Tlaib requested bank chiefs to reaffirm their opposition to fossil fuels at a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee. The CEOs of the seven largest U.S. banks represented JPMorgan...

Kevin McCarthy Previews Commitment To America

Kevin McCarthy, House GOP leader, was the potential Speaker of the House if the GOP retakes the majority in November’s midterm election. He exclusively previewed the GOP’s forthcoming “Commitment to America” for Breitbart News in Western Pennsylvania on Thursday evening, ahead of Friday’s launch.“We’re going to roll it tomorrow on Friday in Washington–Washington County, not Washington, DC, where the...

Stacey Abrams Claims Fetal Heartbeats Are Medically False and Biologically a Lie at Student Forum in Atlanta

Georgia Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams made an inaccurate claim about fetal heartbeats during Tuesday’s student forum.She said that she has no heartbeat after six weeks.She said that it was a “manufactured sound” to convince women men have the right “to take over a woman’s body.”Abrams is not a doctor and made these outrageous claims to answer a question regarding...

Project Veritas Must Pay Dem Firm After Lying And Spying, Jury Says

A Reuters report on Friday stated that a federal jury had ordered Project Veritas (a Democracy Partners member) to pay $120,000 damages. This was after a Project Investigator, who used a false name, exposed internal firm activities.According to the outlet, Allison Maass was a former Project Veritas Investigator and applied for a job at Democracy Partners using a false...