Chinese Propagandists Say Pelosi Taiwan Visit Would Speed Up U.S-China War

Chinese state media intensified their threats Monday against Nancy Pelosi’s reported visit to Taiwan. They warned that Pelosi could provoke a military confrontation or even war. Hu Xijin was a former editor of state-run Global Times. He is an outspoken mouthpiece of the most aggressive wing the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese state media have been particularly harsh against Pompeo,...

Idaho Sheriff Sends Dire Warning to Idiotic Biden Officials: We Are Headed for Complete Collapse

A sheriff in Idaho said Wednesday that his county was experiencing a crisis level of drug overdoses. He emphasized the importance of methamphetamine and fentanyl, which are both found at the southern border. Canyon County Sheriff Kieran Donahue spoke out about how drug cartels are ruining his community. “We are at crisis stage, quite honestly. We’ve never seen the number of...

White House Physician, Biden Will End Isolation After Testing Negative for COVID-19

President Biden tests negative for COVID-19 on Wednesday morning. He has completed his treatment plan and will cease isolating, White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor stated. O’Connor stated that Biden had completed his five-day Paxlovid course 36 hours ago and that he has “completed five days of isolation” as of Wednesday morning. “He remains fever-free and he discontinued use of any...

ABC’s The View Addresses Cease & Desist Letter From Turning Point USA

ABC News’ Wednesday’s ABC News show, “The View”, issued an apology to Turning Point USA. They were asked to retract any defamatory statements made earlier in this week. You could also face legal action. This was first reported by a disgusting Turning Point USA Email. “The View” was given until Wednesday by the liberal panelists to retract statements linking neoNazi demonstrators to...

Democrat Asks Ruger Not To Sell Certain Type Of Ammo

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democratic-IL Representative, asked Sturm, Ruger, & Co. for a pledge not to sell ammunition which pierces body armor. Ruger CEO Christopher Killoy replied that Ruger is not involved with ammunition sales. Krishnamoorthi and Killoy exchanged words during Wednesday’s hearing by the Committee on Oversight and Reform on “practices and Profits of Gun Manufacturers”. Krishnamoorthi spent his time...

The Lefts Memes of Stacey Abrams Are Absolutely Dreadful

It’s a fact that Democratic politicians don’t make funny jokes. Georgia’s governor, Stacey Abrams is the latest example. Let’s look at some context. This meme is about the Little Miss and Mr. Men children’s book series that Roger Hargreaves (a British illustrator and author) started in 1971. Chance Townsend. Mashable explains how the Little Miss memes were created in 1971 when...

Terrified of Irrelevancy, the Media Threatens Republicans Who Ignore Them

It seems that the Republican Party is learning from Donald Trump’s mistakes as President. This lesson is simple: Don’t play by the media’s rules. Trump enjoyed a successful presidency in many aspects. It’s not a game you’ll ever win, and Trump managed to have a largely successful presidency (in terms of many of its policies) being unencumbered by the whims...

What’s In The Manchin-Schumer Tax Hike And Climate Change Bill

After nearly a year of “Build back Better” talks, Senator Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Wednesday an agreement on a highly scaled down reconciliation package. The package’s spending is $433 billion, which is less than one-sixth the $3 trillion bill Democrats were discussing at the time last year. Although it has fewer provisions, Democrats claim that it...

Defiant Joe Biden Claims News Of Shrinking Economy Doesn’t Sound Like A Recession

After insisting that the United States is not in recession, President Joe Biden became defensive at the White House. After reading through a list positive economic news on his notecard, he stated that “that doesn’t seem like a recession” After Thursday’s GDP numbers showed that the economy contracted by 0.9 percent, the president discussed the possibility of a recession. He shifted to...

What’s In The Manchin-Schumer Tax Hike And Climate Change Bill

After nearly a year of “Build back Better” talks, Senator Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Wednesday an agreement on a highly scaled down reconciliation package.The package’s spending is $433 billion, which is less than one-sixth the $3 trillion bill Democrats were discussing at the time last year. Although it has fewer provisions, Democrats claim that it...