Multiple Migrants Rescued In Desert Regions Along Southwest Border

Multiple sectors of Border Patrol agents rescued migrants from desert areas along the southwest border with Mexico.Gregory K. Bovino, El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent, tweeted a photo showing a migrant woman who was rescued by BORSTAR agents in the Jacumba Wilderness area in Southern California.Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin posted photos of a rescue operation...

Wall Street Journal Slams Media For Heaping Credibility On Anti-DeSantis Whistleblower

Friday’s Wall Street Journal editorial board attacked Rebekah Jones, an ex-state department employee who claimed she was fired for refusing to alter COVID-19 data in Florida. Jones claimed Jones was fired in 2020 from her position in the health department for refusing to comply with pressure to manipulate COVID-19 figures. An Inspector General Michael J. Bennett determined that Jones’ claims were...

Lutheran Church Charities and Other Compassion Organizations Prove DOG Is GOD Spelled Backward in Uvalde

Jesus spoke in his Sermon On the Mount in a series of statements that are commonly called “The Beatitudes”.“Blessed are the mourners, for they’ll be comforted.”The community now has space to grieve, as the majority of Uvalde’s narrative-seeking journalists and camera lights have moved on. They are not alone, and they have the support of our four-legged treasures.From The...

School Districts Receiving Training on How to Conceal Gender Identity From Parents of Special Needs Children

These stories are just when you think they can’t get any lower. Gender LCGB runs a Substack reporting program that tracks schools in different southern California districts that are incorporating progressive ideology on race and gender identity into K-12 classrooms. In my piece, I described how Ventura County public school teachers were receiving training from an attorney firm about how...

French Open Protester Ties Herself to Net During Men’s Semifinal

Doomsday prophecies warning of “the end being near” were rare in the past and rarely occurred, but now they’re cutting-edge climate activists. On Friday, during the third set at the French Open tennis tournament as Norway’s Casper Ruud led Croatia’s Marin Cilic 4-1, the match was interrupted for fifteen minutes. Just as Ruud was about to serve, he instead...

Texas Dem Rep. Cuellar Increases Lead Against Justice Democrat-Backed Candidate Who May Seek Recount

Republican Henry Cuellar (D.Texas), is currently 281 votes behind his Democratic primary opponent. Every vote counts when it comes to the fight for the nominations for the House.In a close runoff election, Cuellar was up against Jessica Cisneros (a Justice Democrats-endorsed candidate). As the votes were added, Cuellar’s lead increased.Cuellar stated that “As I stated election night, it would...

DeSantis Slams Biden for Trying to Make Excuses for His Lousy Presidency

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attacked Joe Biden in his speech at Florida’s Freedom First Budget signing. He accused him of trying “make excuses for” his poor approval ratings which have hit a new low this week.“I saw this news report in which Biden is so upset that his approval ratings have dropped to the toilet. He doesn’t get it,...

National Gas Prices Have Doubled Since Biden Took Office

Under President Biden’s administration, gas prices more than doubled. The price of a gallon has more than doubled since Biden was elected to office in January 2021. The national average cost of a gallon was $2.39 on Jan. 20, 2021. According to AAA, Saturday’s gas price has risen to $4.81. This is five cents more than Friday.This week, the White...

AOC Slams Congress As Corrupt, Whines Of Decay & Moral Emptiness

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), slammed Congress on Saturday for being corrupted and full of moral emptiness after failing to pass radical policies that would fundamentally change the nation.After Congress failed to pass socialistic policy last year, Ocasio Cortez said that “it’s just really crazy to be a person who works in a corrupt organization.”Ocasio Cortez stated, clearly referring both...

Biden Hustled To Secure Location After Aircraft Enters Airspace Near Beach House

After an airplane entered restricted airspace, President Biden was hustled to safety Saturday afternoon near his Rehoboth Beach home. Biden was quickly moved to a nearby fire station after the plane was detected. The U.S. Secret Service stated in a statement that a private aircraft had entered restricted airspace above Rehoboth Delaware just before noon today after entering an area...