Biden Hits New Heights With Festival of Lies During Navy Graduation Speech

Joe Biden was once told that it is important to relate to your audience in order to deliver great speeches. Biden’s stories include talking to truck drivers and his imaginary encounters with Amtrak conductors. Joe Biden visited America on Friday. The Naval Academy to address the graduating classes in 2022. Congratulations! This is what Biden said: “Before I started my speech,...

NY Judge Shoots Down Activists’ Attempt to End Gifted and Talented Program

This week, a New York judge dismissed an activist group’s lawsuit against New York City’s Gifted and Talented program. The ruling was one-paragraph in length.According to the Washington Examiner’s report, IntegrateNYC claimed that the G&T program created a racial “caste” system through a school curriculum that “centers white experiences.” The activists also accused the City of failing to hire...

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Says The Status Quo Is Unacceptable

Texas Governor Greg Abbott addressed a press conference at Uvalde Elementary School in Texas. Where an 18-year-old with a rifle committed atrocities against 19 children and two teachers.Abbott was accompanied by Don McLaughlin (Uvalde Mayor), who announced that all funerals for those who died at the hands of the shooter would be covered. He also stated that the community...

Los Angeles DA Slammed By Combat Veteran Congressman Over Memorial Day Tweet

On Saturday, Congressman Mike Garcia attacked George Gascon (the progressive Los Angeles County District Attorney) for a tweet Gascon had sent to commemorate Memorial Day.Gascon wrote that he joined the United States Army when he was 18. As we remember and reflect upon those who have served our country, I wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.California’s 25th...

Los Angeles DA Slammed By Combat Veteran Congressman Over Memory Day Tweet

On Saturday, Congressman Mike Garcia attacked George Gascon (the progressive Los Angeles County District Attorney) for a tweet Gascon had sent to commemorate Memorial Day.Gascon wrote that he joined the United States Army when he was 18. As we remember and reflect upon those who have served our country, I wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.California’s 25th...

Far-Left Daily Beast Grovels Apology To Hunter Laptop Whistleblower

The far-left Daily Beast lied to Hunter Biden about his laptop. The Daily Beast published the article in question in December 2020. With no evidence whatsoever, this newwwwzzzz piece misled its readers by calling the laptop “stolen. “Also, the laptop was stolen by the owner.Yes, the man is real. He’s a human being, John Paul Mac Isaac. Mac Isaac was...

US Monkeypox Cases Climb, Another Reported In Colorado

With a new case in Colorado, the number of cases of monkeypox in the United States has increased to 12. The state’s Department of Public Health and Environment issued a press release Friday stating that there is no risk of contracting the virus. This case involves a young male adult who sought treatment in Denver. He is said to be...

MLB Ignores Massive Increase in Georgia Vote After Moving All-Star Game Citing Voter Suppression

Remember Major League Baseball’s protest against racism by canceling its All-Star Game in Atlanta? This was because of the Georgia voter bill passed by the Republican legislature. It was signed by a Republican governor for the sole purpose of “suppressing” African voters. How did it look for racist Republicans? Jim Geraghty, NRO: Yesterday, the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office revealed figures...

There’s A New Public Charter School Specializing in LGBT Affirmation in A Very Red State

America is changing. If you are looking for an unmistakable example, think about the creation of a school specialized in this field. WBHM relayed that an academy was created for gay youth and their LGBTQ peers. Perhaps the most important thing about the location of learning is that it’s located in the middle of Alabama. The Magic City Acceptance Academy...

Obama-Biden Officials Worked Directly With Iran to Undermine Donald Trump

On Thursday, The Washington Free Beacon published an interesting report about former Obama-Biden officials as well as Iran.A State Department memo obtained by FOAI shows that “former ambassadors” met secretly with the then-Iranian Foreign Ministry Javad Zarif. This meeting took place at the same moment that the Trump administration attempted to reduce Iran’s negotiating ability with sanctions.According to an...