W.H.O Joins Chorus Warning About Monkeypox

The World Health Organization (W.H.O. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) added its voice Saturday to the growing chorus of warnings about the rising incidence of monkeypox. It stated that it expects more cases after only a few were found in Europe and the U.S.The W.H.O. says that the situation is changing. The W.H.O. expects that there will be more monkeypox cases...

Stacey Abrams Says Georgia Is The Worst State To Live In, Despite Owning Multiple Houses There

Stacey Abrams, a Democratic candidate for governor, declared Saturday that Georgia is the “worst state in the country to be alive,” despite having at least two homes there. According to the Gwinnett Daily Post, Abrams stated that he was running for governor “because I know that there has to be a conversation about who and what we are in the...

Hillary Clinton Testifies in Durham Case, She Signed off on Pushing False Alfa Bank Story

John Durham continues to pursue Michael Sussmann. There have been some noteworthy revelations from this trial.Robby Mook testified Friday and confirmed many things people have known for years. Clinton’s aides tried to present her as an outsider to the fray, but Mook revealed that Clinton was a twice-failed presidential contender who signed off on the publication of the false...

Elon Musk Is Calling Out Twitter Over Clinton’s 2016 Tweet Claiming Trump/Russia Link

It’s amazing to see Elon Musk go after Democrats.Do you remember Clinton’s famous tweet in 2016 linking then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with Russia? Clinton and her campaign claim that Trump had a secret line of communication with Russa via a server at Trump Tower that connected to a Russian bank. This was to explain Trump’s “bizarre adoration for...

Ted Cruz Gives A Helpful Translation After Nina Jankowicz Puts out the ‘Victim’ Card

In the early stages of the Department’s implementation, the Republicans did an admirable job. The Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board of Homeland Security quickly failed to deliver and the Biden White House had no choice but to announce that it was closing the operation. Nina Jankowicz was the executive director of Biden’s Ministry of Truth. The Republican campaign played a key...

Was US Senate Candidate Jake Bequette Ever Really in The Military?

An Arkansas political action committee sent a mailer to support incumbent Sen. John Boozman claiming that Jake Bequette, a former player in the National Football League and United States Army officer, had lied about his military service. We found that the claims in the mailer were strongly misleading and deceitful. Heartland Resurgence PAC sent out a mailer saying that Bequette had...

Trump Reacts To Testimony That Clinton Spread Russia Allegations

Trump, former President, responded to shocking testimony from Michael Sussmann that Hillary Clinton authorized false information to be spread to the media alleging there was a secret communication channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.Robby Mook (ex-Clinton campaign manager) testified Friday in the first criminal case arising out of Special Counsel John Durham’s ongoing investigation into the...

Majority Have An Unfavorable View Of Critical Race Theory

According to a survey by The Economist/YouGov, most Americans don’t like Critical Race Theory (CRT).This survey was taken among 1,500 adults in the United States between May 15-17, asking them whether they had a positive or negative opinion about CRT.52 percent of respondents said that they had an “unfavorable opinion” about Marxist ideology. 45 percent of those surveyed have a...

IRS Destroys 30 Million Tax Documents

The Internal Revenue Service audit found that staff destroyed 30 million tax documents due to a huge backlog. The tax collection agency claims that no taxpayers were affected by the destruction. Three recommendations were made by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to the IRS for improving its paper tax forms processing and encouraging more e-filing. Two of these recommendations were...

The Approaching Food Crisis Will Be a Disaster For Humanity

All modern famines are man-made, usually the result of war, disease, and stupidity. Experts believe 2022 will be the year of a historic famine, causing a catastrophic food shortage.The Ukraine War is affecting the output of the second-most significant breadbasket in the world. According to the Economist, Russia, Ukraine, and China together supply 28% of global wheat trade, 29%...